What dramatic health,第1張

The dramatic, health-related experience that I had, that did not change my life (like it does for most) was breast cancer. Intuitively, the writer knew that I would 'get’ it sooner or later. The nervousness and the anxiety were felt in the subsequent diagnoses of benign tumors. After having survived the detection and the removal of those tumors, this hospital / surgery thing was a lay-up.

My BRCA was a 2. Three mammograms had to be done in order to detect it, but calcifications appeared on all three mammos. Tons of them. We lived in the Outer Banks then and I was blessed to have had my surgeries in Virginia. Oh, yeah, I was my Pastor’s secretary at the time, as well. Thought I would mention that.

Now, most of you will think that this is weird and so do I, but it is what it is. I treated my BRCA like I was having elective, plastic surgery of the breast; trying to decide the resulting size, shape, etc.,, (well you DID have to do that). I endured 22 surgeries in less than two months. That was the hard part. I became addicted to narcotic pain killers anad I beat it. Seems either my surgeon was a dummy or he liked collecting the insurance money. I think it was neither, contrary to popular belief.

Even Lee surrendered. I called it quits towards the end of the game; I could not take it anymore. After 2.5 years, I had had it. So, I quit and I am glad that I did, BUT…. The other bad part is that my insurance will not pay for further breast surgery. None and I can think of better ways to spend a hundred thousand or two. On to the next.

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