Is it a dream or a reality for a construction enterprise to become a world-class enterprise? What wi

Is it a dream or a reality for a construction enterprise to become a world-class enterprise? What wi,第1張

From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the reform and opening up, the class="superseo">construction industry has been making progress and improvement, especially in the past 40 years of reform and opening up. The achievements of this 40 years are obvious to all, especially for construction enterprises. Like our CSCEC, it has successfully entered the top 500 of the world, and its operating income has reached nearly 2 billion yuan, but our CSCEC is still not a world-class enterprise.

From the scale of the world's top 500 enterprises, our share exceeds that of the United States. The evaluation standard here is scale. From this perspective, our construction enterprises are world-class enterprises.

We put forward four aspects of building a world-class enterprise: product, brand, innovation and governance. From this perspective, it seems that we still have a gap. From the perspective of Sino US trade stations and experts, there is a gap between our core technologies and those of the United States; If from the perspective of consultants, there are some gaps in our internal governance, then the revenue of CSCEC is close to 200 billion, but it is still not the first-class enterprise in the world's construction enterprises. How big and how far do we need to go to make our construction enterprises become world-class enterprises? How far are we from world-class enterprises?

A few world-class construction enterprises are reality, while most of them are dreams. Only with dreams can they have power, and only with power can they have results. Construction enterprises make good use of the external environment and do a good job of internal governance.

We can't control the external environment, but we can adjust the internal governance of the enterprise. In the aspect of benchmarking world-class construction companies, relevant documents have put forward clear requirements, so how should our enterprise pay attention to the internal environmental governance of the enterprise?

First of all, entrepreneurs, groups and corporate culture should not only have upward force, but also have a centripetal force.

Secondly, in terms of internal governance, learn from world-class enterprises and then surpass them.

Finally, in terms of technological progress, we should make great efforts to work hard, innovate constantly, surpass constantly, and pursue excellence.

Buffett once said that it is OK to be vague and correct. Don't pursue accurate mistakes. There is no standard for construction enterprises and world-class construction enterprises. They are only calculated by some indicators. Therefore, whether they are world-class enterprises does not affect their performance, nor does they not rank among world-class enterprises.

Whether Fortune 500 or Forbes 500 has been ranked for so many years, there is no standard. Therefore, no matter what, we should respect the reality. Our construction enterprises are great. We should be brave to take on the responsibility and climb the peak, and take the world-class construction enterprises as the responsibility and mission.

From the founding of the People's Republic of China to the reform and opening up, the construction industry has been making progress and improvement, especially in the past 40 years of reform and opening up. The achievements of this 40 years are obvious to all, especially for construction enterprises. Like our CSCEC, it has successfully entered the top 500 of the world, and its operating income has reached nearly 2 billion yuan, but our CSCEC is still not a world-class enterprise.

From the scale of the world's top 500 enterprises, our share exceeds that of the United States. The evaluation standard here is scale. From this perspective, our construction enterprises are world-class enterprises.

We put forward four aspects of building a world-class enterprise: product, brand, innovation and governance. From this perspective, it seems that we still have a gap. From the perspective of Sino US trade stations and experts, there is a gap between our core technologies and those of the United States; If from the perspective of consultants, there are some gaps in our internal governance, then the revenue of CSCEC is close to 200 billion, but it is still not the first-class enterprise in the world's construction enterprises. How big and how far do we need to go to make our construction enterprises become world-class enterprises? How far are we from world-class enterprises?

A few world-class construction enterprises are reality, while most of them are dreams. Only with dreams can they have power, and only with power can they have results. Construction enterprises make good use of the external environment and do a good job of internal governance.

We can't control the external environment, but we can adjust the internal governance of the enterprise. In the aspect of benchmarking world-class construction companies, relevant documents have put forward clear requirements, so how should our enterprise pay attention to the internal environmental governance of the enterprise?

First of all, entrepreneurs, groups and corporate culture should not only have upward force, but also have a centripetal force.

Secondly, in terms of internal governance, learn from world-class enterprises and then surpass them.

Finally, in terms of technological progress, we should make great efforts to work hard, innovate constantly, surpass constantly, and pursue excellence.

Buffett once said that it is OK to be vague and correct. Don't pursue accurate mistakes. There is no standard for construction enterprises and world-class construction enterprises. They are only calculated by some indicators. Therefore, whether they are world-class enterprises does not affect their performance, nor does they not rank among world-class enterprises.

Whether Fortune 500 or Forbes 500 has been ranked for so many years, there is no standard. Therefore, no matter what, we should respect the reality. Our construction enterprises are great. We should be brave to take on the responsibility and climb the peak, and take the world-class construction enterprises as the responsibility and mission.


生活常識_百科知識_各類知識大全»Is it a dream or a reality for a construction enterprise to become a world-class enterprise? What wi



