第69期 時文閲讀 | 中國傳統制茶技藝申遺成功!

第69期 時文閲讀 | 中國傳統制茶技藝申遺成功!,第1張


China’s traditional tea-making techniques and their associated social practices successfully became UNESCO’s latest world intangible cultural heritage(非物質文化遺産)on November 29, 2022. The list recognizes the knowledge, skills, and practices concerning management of tea plantations, picking of tea leaves, manual processing, and the drinking and sharing of tea.
Chinesetea producers have developed six categories of tea — green, yellow, dark, white, oolong and black. There are other varieties like flower-scented teas and more than 2,000 tea products. Because of changes that occurred over tea’s extremely long history, the tea-making process has become intricate today, including dozens of smaller steps. Tea makers face numerous challenges during the process. The core steps of tea-making process consist of enzyme inactivation, yellowing, piling, withering, leaf shaking and cooling, oxidation or fermentation and scenting. It even takes about half a month to complete the beginning processes and at least a whole month only to dry the tea.
Speaking of the reasons why the application succeeded, UNESCO said that China’s tea culture helps develop social practices, traditional skills and handmade products. Zheng Changling, a research fellow at the Chinese National Academy of Arts, believed that it was mainly due to the long and great history of Chinese tea culture, which trekked(長途跋涉)along the ancient Tea Horse Road to reach as far as West Asia and East Africa.
The successful application can further help improve tea’s international influence and help in better protecting and handing down the techniques and associated tea culture. It will make this cultural heritage more visible to the public and help promote respect for cultural diversity and human creativity. It also will encourage people to pursue healthier lifestyles by integrating tea culture into their daily lives.
Wang Yongjian, head of the Chinese delegation to the UNESCO session, said that they will apply for more of the intangible cultural heritage projects with Chinese characteristics which show Chinese spirit and wisdom, so as to better promote Chinese culture globally.

1. What does the underlined word “intricate” in paragraph 2 probably mean?

A. Productive.

B. Complicated.

C. Mechanized.

D. Environmentally friendly.

2. What is the main reason for the successful application according to Zheng Changling?

A. China has a rich variety of tea.

B. China has mature tea-making skills.

C. China has a profound history of tea culture.

D. China’s tea products have great international influence.

3. What does paragraph 4 mainly tell us?

A. The ways of improving cultural diversity. 

B. The wide popularity of Chinese tea culture.

C. The significance of the successful application. 

D. The methods of maintaining healthier lifestyles.

4. What does Wang Yongjian plan to do?

A. Design products with Chinese characteristics. 

B. Promote China’s tea culture by the mass media.

C. Encourage people to learn tea-making techniques.

D. Apply for more world intangible cultural heritage items.

第69期 時文閲讀 | 中國傳統制茶技藝申遺成功!,圖片,第2張


1. manual  adj. 手工的

2. oolong  n. 烏龍茶

3. wither  v.(使)枯萎,凋謝

4. oxidation  n. 氧化

5. fermentation  n. 發酵

6. scent  v. 使具有香味

7. delegation  n. 代表團

第69期 時文閲讀 | 中國傳統制茶技藝申遺成功!,圖片,第3張


1. tea plantations 茶葉種植

2. flower-scented teas  花茶

3. enzyme inactivation  殺青(使鮮葉中的酶失去活性)

4. dozens of  幾十;許多

5. speaking of  說到,談及

6. social practices  社會實踐;習俗習慣

7. international influence 國際影響

8. hand down 把某事物傳下去;傳給(後代)

9. cultural diversity 文化多樣性

第69期 時文閲讀 | 中國傳統制茶技藝申遺成功!,圖片,第4張




2. intangible cultural heritage


3. the ancient Tea Horse Road



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