

Human disturbance compresses the spatiotemporal niche

作者:Neil A. Gilbert, Jennifer L. Stenglein, Jonathan N. Pauli, Benjamin Zuckerberg


Human disturbance may fundamentally alter the way that species interact, a prospect that remains poorly understood. We investigated whether anthropogenic landscape modification increases or decreases co-occurrence—a prerequisite for species interactions—within wildlife communities. Using 4 y of data from >2,000 camera traps across a human disturbance gradient in Wisconsin, USA, we considered 74 species pairs (classifying pairs as low, medium, or high antagonism to account for different interaction types) and used the time between successive detections of pairs as a measure of their co-occurrence probability and to define co-occurrence networks. Pairs averaged 6.1 [95% CI: 5.3, 6.8] d between detections in low-disturbance landscapes (e.g., national forests) but 4.1 [3.5, 4.7] d between detections in high-disturbance landscapes, such as those dominated by urbanization or intensive agriculture. Co-occurrence networks showed higher connectance (i.e., a larger proportion of the possible co-occurrences) and greater proportions of low-antagonism pairs in disturbed landscapes. Human-mediated increases in species abundance (possibly via resource subsidies) appeared more important than behavioral mechanisms (e.g., changes in daily activity timing) in driving these patterns of compressed co-occurrence in disturbed landscapes. The spatiotemporal compression of species co-occurrences in disturbed landscapes likely strengthens interactions like competition, predation, and infection unless species can avoid each other at fine spatiotemporal scales. Regardless, human-mediated increases in co-occurrence with—and hence increased exposure to—predators or competitors might elevate stress levels in individual animals, with possible cascading effects across populations, communities, and ecosystems.


“威斯康星州快照”項目拍攝到少見的火雞與鹿的低對抗性互動。(圖片來源:Wisconsin DNR/Snapshot Wisconsin)


在“威斯康星州快照”(Snapshot Wisconsin)項目中,志願者在森林、城市和辳田等地設置了2000多個相機,這些地區根據周圍五千米的環境劃分了不同的人類乾擾等級。在近80萬張動物快照中,共出現了18個物種,它們被按相遇時可能出現的暴力對抗分爲74對,例如鹿和郊狼是高對抗性的。如果相機拍攝到一對動物出現的時間間隔短,則它們可能産生互動。分析顯示,高對抗性的物種對出現間隔較長;但不論對抗性高低,不同物種在人類乾擾等級高的地區出現間隔都更短,平均爲4.1天(低乾擾地區爲6.1天),意味著它們有更高概率相遇或發生互動。




