









比賽場地 competition area

比賽區 contest area

安全區 safety area

柔道帶 judo belt

柔道衣 judo jacket

柔道服 judo suit; judo uniform; judogi(Japanese)

藍白柔道服 blue-white judo suit

榻榻米 tatami

柔道褲 judo trousers

柔道腰帶 judo belt

柔道館 judo hall

帶結 belt knot


柔道 judo

柔道運動員 judo player; judo man; judoist; judoka

比賽 competition

黑色腰帶 black belt

藍色腰帶 blue belt

棕色腰帶 brown belt

綠色腰帶 green belt

橘色腰帶 orange belt

紅色腰帶 red belt

紅白色腰帶 red-white belt

白色腰帶 white belt

黃色腰帶 yellow belt

段級 degree

初學者 beginner

60公斤級 lightweight

66公斤級 welterweight

73公斤級 middleweight

81公斤級 light heavyweight

90公斤級 heavyweight

100公斤以上級 open-weight category

健將級 master’s degree

國家一級 first-grade athlete

藍色標記線blue mark line

白色標記線white mark line

鞠躬;致禮 bow

“開始”“Yoshi!”( Japanese );“Hajime!“(Japanese);“Carry on!”'Begin!'


指導 shido; note

稍佔優勢slight superiority


出足掃 advancing foot; advancefoot sweep

倒地(受身) falling

寢技(墊上技術) ground work; ground techniques; ne-waza (Japanese)

腿部技術(足技) leg techniques

足車 leg wheel

勾插腰 sleeve lifting pulling hip; sode-tsurikomi-goshi (Japanese)

勾進掃腳 lift-pull foot sweep

勾進腰 lift-pull hip throw

勾進預腳 propping ankle throw

膝車 knee wheel throw

裹勾腿(大內刈) major inner reaping throw

大外刈(外絆腿摔) major outside reaping throw; o soto gari;oosotogari (Japanese)

耙(小內刈) minor inner reap

小外掛(小外掛腳摔) minor outer breaking throw; minor outside hook; ko soto gakai (Japanese)

摟(小外刈) minor outside reaping throw; minor outside reap; ko soto gari(Japanese)

投技nage waza( Japanese );standing techniques

內股裹 spring wrap around

帶取返(捨身技) sacrifice techniques; sutemi-waza(Japanese)

捨身摔 sacrifice throw; throws bysacrifice falls

腕緘(夾臂) ude gatame(Japanese)

關節技 joint lock; kansetsu-waza(Japanese);armlock techniques

十字關節技 arm pit lock

大外車(外掛腿後仰摔) big outside wheel; osoto-guruma(Japanese)

大外落(外掛腿摔) o soto otoshi(Japanese)

失去平衡 breaking of balance

橫四方固 Cateral four quarters

holding;yoko shiho gatame(Japanese)

縱四方固 vertical four quarters hold; tate shiho gatame (Japanese)

上四方固 modified upper four quarters holding

袈裟固 modified scarf holding;regular scarf holding; scarf hold

後袈裟固 ushiro-kesa-gatame(Japanese)

肩固 shoulder hand and arm hold;single shoulder holding

移腰 changing hip throw

(被)摔 competitor thrown

十字壓肘;十字固肘 crossmark hold;ju ji (Japanese)

十字勒;十字絞 cross strangle;jujizime(Japanese)

防守姿勢 defence posture

進攻姿勢 attack posture

絕招(得意技) favourite technique

叫喊 fighting cry

浮投 floating hip throw

自由練習(技術) free practice

亂取(實戰) randori (Japanese)

手技(用手) hand techniques

腰技(腰部摔法) hip throws; hip techniques; goshiwaza; koshi-waza(Japanese)

足技(用腳摔) foot throw; leg throw;ashi-waza(Japanese) 

大腰 hip roll

腰車 hip wheel

壓技開始 holding

脫把(解脫) holding broken

固肢;壓技holding techniques

固技開始hold is on

挑(內股)inner thigh throw

後摔 inside-out throw

內腿 inside thigh throw

自護姿勢(自護躰) ji go hon tai(Japanese)

自然姿勢(自然躰) shi jen hon tai(Japanese); normal posture

扼勒 naked strangle

偏羽絞 one-wing strangle

外卷入outside wrap-around throw

後腰摔rear hip throw

背負投 shoulder throw

肩車(後摔/ 側摔/前摔)shoulder-wheel throw; side wheel

轉躰摔 side throw

側倒拋身摔法 side fall techniques

橫掛 side lock; lifting-draning hip throw; yoko gake (Japanese)

彈腰(別) spring hip throw

立 standing throws

絞技strangling techniques;strangulation techniques

絞 strangulation

出腳掃 sweeping ankle throw

中國跤(外別) sweeping hip

掃腰 sweeping loin throw

抓住對方 taking hold

抓住摔 taking hold for throwing

摔的技術 throwing techniques

摔;投 throws

三角絞 triangular strangle

試摔 try

寢技連絡技 ground connected techniques





有傚 yuko(Japanese); almost waza-ari;

技有 waza-ari ( Japanese ); half point; near point; almost ippon

一本 ippon (Japanese)

開始(比賽時須由主裁判宣告) to begin

比賽繼續 to carry on

(警告)注意 caution

絕對勝利 complete win

綜郃勝利 compound win

計時員;計時器;記錄員;計分器 counters

判定 decision

犯槼輸(取消比賽資格) disqualification

保持原姿勢 do not move; sono mama (Japanese)


比賽時間 duration

綠旗 green flag

棄權 give up

間歇 interval

記錄;注意事項 note

場上裁判;主裁判(1 名主裁2名副裁) referee

邊裁;副裁 judge

開始 to start

停 to stop; maza (Japanese)

判定勝;優勝利 superiority win

結束 that is all

判罸對方獲勝 victory by forfeit

對方認輸獲勝 victory by submission

優勢勝利 victory on superiority

暫停 to wait

警告 warning

棄權勝 to win by withdraw






