


KaiHongShun  Studio

永定河上古老的盧溝橋在這裡矗立了800多年了。永定河在金代稱盧溝, 所以這座橋叫做盧溝橋。這座華北最長的古代石橋曾被馬可波羅在遊記中形容爲 “柱頂別有一獅, 此種石獅甚巨麗, 雕刻甚精。”外國人對盧溝橋的了解比萬裡長城還早了300年。

The ancient Lugou Bridge on the Yongding River has stood here for more than 800 years. Yongding River was called Lugou Bridge in Jin Dynasty, so this bridge is called Lugou Bridge. The longest ancient stone bridge in North China was once described by Marco Polo in his travel notes as"there is a lion on the top of the column...



Lugou Bridge was once the main ferry in the south of Beijing, with a history of 832 years. Speaking of the Lugou Bridge, the topics of"Xiaoyue in Lugou","Countless Lions on the Lugou Bridge", and"Lugou Bridge Construction" are always talked about.


The stone lions on the Lugou Bridge are the most interesting. Lugou Bridge is 266.5 meters long and 9.3 meters wide. It has 11 bridge openings and 10 piers. There are 281 observation posts on the bridge fence, all of which are carved stone lions. These lions are really interesting. 



Those skilled craftsmen must have carved into every work the beauty of the world they saw. Their shapes are different. Some squat on stone columns, as if they were roaring toward the distance; Some lowered their heads, as if listening attentively to the sound of running water under the bridge...



According to historical records, there were 627 stone lions when the Lugou Bridge was built. According to legend, the Emperor Qianlong once traveled across the Lugou Bridge, attracted by the stone lions on the bridge, and praised them for their different and lifelike gestures.



Unfortunately, no one in the entourage knew how many stone lions were there at that time. So Emperor Qianlong was very interested in counting 409 stone lions from the east to the west of the bridge, but this was far from the number recorded.


So the Emperor Qianlong counted 438 from the west to the east of the bridge. The Emperor Qianlong felt very strange, so he counted them again. The third time, the number was 451. Therefore, people said that there were countless lions on the Lugou Bridge.



In 1962, Beijing Cultural Relics Protection Department counted the stone lions on the Lugou Bridge, and the statistical result was 485. In 1979, 502 were counted again. Up to now, the official number is 501. How could this happen?


As we all know, after more than 800 years of wind, frost, snow and rain, war damage, natural disasters and other reasons, it is inevitable that the stone lions on the Lugou Bridge will become fewer and fewer. Even so, it should not be countless.



In fact, people who have been to the Lugou Bridge know that it is not that the stone lions on the Lugou Bridge can't be counted, but that some small lions hidden in front of the big lions and behind them are difficult to be found. The reason is that their images become blurred after the wind and frost, which is really difficult to identify. 


Nowadays, there are many people who are not satisfied with the sentence"There are countless lions in Lugou Bridge", so they come to count lions one after another. But most people are dazzled and have no success, which adds a lot of fun to us. One day, will you also count the stone lions of Lugou Bridge?





