The divisive anniversary of the Capitol riot 2023

The divisive anniversary of the Capitol riot 2023,第1張

On Friday President Joe Biden hosts a ceremony at the White House to mark two years since Donald Trump’s supporters stormed the Capitol in Washington. The reckoning continues after a congressional committee dominated by Democrats published its 800-page investigation into the unrest, which recommended the prosecution of Mr Trump for four federal crimes, including aiding insurrection. A conviction, though unlikely, would bar him from holding federal office again.

In response, some Republicans are proposing to reroute the committee’s evidence away from the National Archives, where it could be stored for decades, to a separate, and newly Republican-controlled, committee. That could lay the groundwork for a counter-report casting the blame elsewhere.

The ongoing divisions make healing harder. At an event last month honouring law-enforcement officers who stepped up on January 6th some refused to shake hands with Republican congressional leaders. And yet neither Mitch McConnell nor Kevin McCarthy has ruled out supporting Mr Trump, should he become their party’s presidential nominee in 2024.

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