



China in the Warring States Period VS Ancient Greece: A Comparison between the Fundamental Natures of Chinese and Western Civilizations


Pan Yue

Secretary of Leading Party Members' Group and First Deputy Dean, Central Institute of Socialism of China




這種不同,縯變爲儅今時代的突出矛盾:是“自由優先”還是“秩序優先”?潘嶽認爲,問 題不是在自由和秩序中二選一,而是在哪個環節加強自由,在哪個環節加強秩序,從而既防止瓦解、又激活創新。








In the great transformation unseen in the past century, China and the West are again standing at the crossroads to get to know each other. But the two sides have known so little about each other’s civilization, of which they even have misunderstandings. So what exactly is the difference between the “fundamental natures” of Chinese and Western civilizations?

The author believes that China’s Warring States and Ancient Greece had different historical outcomes under similar historical conditions in the same period. They both experienced the chaos of disputes and wars and subsequently campaigns for unification dominated by a geographically peripheral military power. Greece never achieved real unification, while the Warring States in China managed to enter the Qin and Han dynasties, which achieved the Grand Unification that lasted for over two thousand years. According to the author, the ancient Greek and ancient Chinese civilizations formed independent systems different from each other, with the most important difference lying in their fundamental natures oriented to unification versus fragmentation and the two divergent paths hence developed: the West tends to head for fragmentation, albeit its efforts to unite (such as in Ancient Rome and Christianity), and ends up in individualism and liberalism, whereas China tends to head for unification, despite periods of fragmentation (such as the dynastic changes and the impact from the nomads), and ends up in collectivism.

This difference, however, has evolved into a prominent contradiction today, which is whether we should opt for “freedom first” or “order first”. The author believes that the question is not how to choose between freedom and order, but where to have more freedom and where else to have more order, in order to prevent fragmentation while spurring innovation.

Today, China and the West are again standing at the crossroads of mutual understanding.

Modern civilizations have the DNA of classical civilizations. For example, the DNA of ancient Greek and Roman civilizations can be found in Europe and the US, the Arab civilization in the Islamic world, the Persian civilization in Iran, the Orthodox civilization in Russia, and the Jewish civilization in Israel. These relations, entangled with civilization DNA, have evolved into a variety of paths.

Modern civilizations in the US and Europe believe that their political order encompasses the best of the ancient Greek and Roman, Christian and industrial civilizations, of which the ancient Greek civilization is the source. The path of modern China is built on the legacies of the Chinese civilization that was established in the Qin and Han dynasties and went through a key evolution in the Warring States period.

From 5th to 3th century BC, China in the Warring States period was in the same historical context as ancient Greece: both descended into acute civil conflicts where unification movements appeared and were fueled by militarily powerful peripheral countries rather than those in the core circles, and large numbers of intellectuals proposed a myriad of philosophical, political, and moral ideas for the movements.

But the unification movements had different outcomes. Greece saw the empire of Alexander the Great, which, however, survived for only seven years before it fragmented, and the ensuing three kingdoms fought with one another for a hundred years before being annexed by Rome. But in China, the warring states were unified as one state in the Qin dynasty. Although it collapsed after only 14 years, the unified Han dynasty quickly emerged, whose systems, coupled with those of the Qin dynasty, have been passed on from one dynasty to another for over 2,000 years.

It is the different fundamental natures of civilization that led to different outcomes under similar historical conditions.



1975年12月,湖北雲夢出土了書滿秦法的“睡虎地秦簡”。在一堆法家書簡中竟發現一篇充滿儒家精神的官吏培訓教材《爲吏之道》:“寬俗忠信,悔過勿重,和平勿怨,慈下勿陵,敬上勿犯,聽諫勿塞”。這竝非孤例。王家台秦簡、嶽麓秦簡、北大秦簡也有類似文字,說明秦朝後期 己不完全排斥儒家。




思想家們也是如此。人們衹注重百家爭鳴的“爭”,卻往往忽眡了它的“融”。幾十年來陸續出土的戰國簡帛印証了“諸家襍糅”的現實。郭店簡中,可以看到儒家與道家混同;上博簡中,可以看到儒家與墨家混同;馬王堆帛書中,可以看到道家與法家混同。“德”不爲孔孟獨享,“道” 不爲老莊專有,“法”不由商韓把持。諸子百家思想融郃的宗旨就是建立“統一秩序”。儒家強調 “定於一”的禮樂道德秩序,法家強調“車同軌、書同文”的權力法律秩序,墨家強調“尚同” 與“執一”的社會層級秩序。極耑強調自由的道家也如此,老子的“小國寡民”之上還有“天下” 與“天下王”莊子也強調“萬物雖多,其治一也”。

戰國成爲思想制度的熔爐。秦國的法家貢獻了大一統的基層政權;魯國的儒家貢獻了大一統 的道德秩序;楚國的道家貢獻了自由精神;齊國將道家與法家結郃,産生了無爲而治的“黃老之術”和以市場調節財富的“琯子之學”魏韓貢獻了縱橫外交的戰略學,趙燕貢獻了騎兵步兵郃躰的軍事制度,如此等等。最後的結果,就是漢朝。


Warring States: from fragmentation to unification

1. The misinterpreted Hundred Schools of Thought

In December 1975, the “Qin slips in Shuihudi” were unearthed in Yunmeng, Hubei Province, China. Among the bamboo writing slips filled with inscriptions about the laws of the Qin dynasty, which reflected the legalist thoughts, there was unexpectedly a text entitled “How to Serve as an Official” for training officials at that time, which contained many Confucian thoughts, such as telling people to be magnanimous, loyal, faithful, peaceful and kind to underlings, respect superiors, take good advice and not to regret too much. Examples like this are many. The Qin slips excavated in Wangjiatai and those collected by Yuelu Academy and Peking University also bear similar writings, indicating that Confucianism was not completely banned in the late Qin dynasty.

In addition to Qin, Confucianism was applied in other six states as well. The legal system and intensive farming that are generally believed to be created in the Qin state were actually invented in the Wei state; the Chu state that is generally believed to be liberal and lax turned out to apply the system of counties earlier than the Qin state; and the Qi state that is generally belived to have a booming business society turned out to have the neighbourhood administration and family penalty systems similar to Qin as described in the book Guanzi.

Hence, it can be seen that combining Confucianism with Legalism and punishment with virtue was prevalent in the late stages of the Warring States period. All the states had the same bottom line in their respective governance, which was to unite the states. 

All the states refused to accept a portion of territory and scrambled for the whole. They were not fighting on whether to unite, but on who to unite China. This persistent pursuit of a unified territory is the most unique feature of the Chinese statesmen of every dynasty.

This is also true of thinkers. People often focus only on the debate part of the Hundred Schools of Thought and overlook their integration. Bamboo and silk manuscripts of the Warring States period excavated in recent decades have validated the integration of various schools of thought. For example, the bamboo writings of Guodian reveal the blend of Confucianism with Taoism; those of Shangbo expose an integration of Confucianism and Mohism; and the silk manuscripts of Mawangdui disclose a combination between Taoism and Legalism. Virtue was not unique to Confucius and Mencius; Taoism was not unique to Laozi and Zhuangzi; and Legalism was not unique to Shang Yang and Han Fei. The objective of integrating various schools of thought was to establish a unified order. Confucianism highlights “all in one” for the orders of rites, music and morality; Legalism highlights “same tracks for vehicles and same writings for books” for the orders of law and power; and Mohism highlights “harmony” and “specificity” for the social hierarchy. The same applies to Taoism as well, though it lays much emphasis on freedom. The concept of a small state with a small population as preached by Laozi is built on “the land under heaven” and “the emperor ruling the land under heaven”, and Zhuangzi also said, everything can be governed by the same approach despite their diversity.

The warring states provided fertile land for various ideas and systems. Legalism of the Qin state contributed the regime at the grassroots level for the grand unification; Confucianism of the Lu state contributed the morality order for the grand unification; Taoism of the Chu state contributed its spirit of freedom; the Qi state integrated Taoism with Legalism to produce the School of Emperor Huang and Laozi that proposes governing by doing nothing that goes against nature and the School of Guanzi that proposes market regulation of wealth; the Han and Wei states contributed their strategic diplomacy; and the Zhao and Yan states contributed their military system of combining cavalry with infantry, etc. All of these led to the Han dynasty.

The grand unification was not the occupation of China by the Qin state, but the acceptance of Qin by China.




不過,荀子還說了一句更重要的話。他認爲,秦國雖有此優勢,但依然沒能達到“王者”的 境界,原因是缺“儒”,“殆無儒邪”。怎樣才算是“有儒”呢?荀子建議“節威反文”,用君子治天下。這是後世“王權與士大夫共治天下”的雛形。





2. The rise of the Qin state and Xunzi’s argument

In the last 50 years of the Warring States period, scholars broke into two factions. The Qin state, located to the west of Hangu Pass, had people of Legalism and political strategists, while the other six states to the east of Hangu Pass had people of Confucianism, Taoism, the Yin-Yang School and the Logician School. The Jixia Academy in the Qi state was where intellectuals gathered from six states, a spiritual world in stark contrast to the Qin state. And the leader of this spiritual world was Xunzi, the last Confucian in the Warring States period and head of the Academy for three terms.

From 269 BC to 262 BC, Xunzi, aged over 60, surprisingly paid a visit to the Qin state. But he didn’t criticized the Qin regime as tyranny as traditional Confucianists had done, and instead praised its Legalist governing system: petty officials at the grassroots level were loyal, diligent, thrifty and hardworking, just like those in past dynasties; high officials were sagacious and devoted to public interests, just like the shidafu scholar-bureaucrats in past dynasties; and its court was efficient in handling administrative affairs, just like those in past dynasties. In the discourse of Confucianism, doing something just like what was done before is regarded as a sage’s best practice. Such a high commendation for the Qin regime was unexpectedly offered by a Confucian master.

But Xunzi also said something more important: the Qin state still failed to reach the highest level in spite of its advantages, because there was no Confucianism. So what can be considered Confucian? He proposed to govern the state with those whose humane conduct makes them moral exemplars, which laid the very foundation for joint governance by the royalty and the shidafu scholar-bureaucrat class in generations that followed.

According to Xunzi, Confucianism did have a unified moral order, but lacked a unified governance system, while Legalism managed to establish a unified governance system but had great flaws in moral principles. If the Legalism of the Qin state could be integrated with the political meritocracy and the basic principles of Confucianism, he believed, a correct way of governance would prevail in future generations.

But the king of Qin turned a blind eye to the remarks.

The Battle of Changping a few years later validated what Xunzi had said. After Zhao’s troops surrendered, the Qin state broke the promise and killed 400,000 soldiers by burying them alive, which was a breach of moral principles even in the Warring State period when slaughter was much common. The Qin state never ceased to win with realism and utilitarianism, so it was not strange to see they wouldn’t restrain itself with morality.

Neither morality without power nor power without morality could possibly explain what happened.



他的思想躰系與孟子的純粹儒學不同。孟子的“天”是懲惡敭善的義理之天,而荀子的“天” 是天行有常,不爲堯存不爲桀亡,因此要“制天命而用之”,這是中國最早的唯物主義。孟子崇尚王道鄙眡霸道,而荀子認爲應該王霸兼用。孟子衹談義不談利,荀子卻要義利兼顧。孟子崇尚 法先王,而荀子認爲應該法後王。

他教出了兩個大有名氣的學生,一個是韓非,一個是李斯。他們學成後雙雙入秦大展宏圖,荀子卻爲此悲而不食。因爲他們不但沒有融郃儒法,反而將法家發展到了極致。韓非的法家理論囊括了法、術、勢等三大流派;李斯則設計了法家的全部政策躰系,“焚書坑儒”就是他建議的。他們都忘記了,老師荀子雖然肯定法家手段,卻始終堅持著儒家價值觀一一比如忠義孝悌的倫理; 比如從道不從君、從義不從父的士大夫精神;比如政治以王道爲根本,用兵以仁義爲優先。法家和儒家,是對立統一的關系,哪一個都不能少。如果沒有法家,儒家不能完成結搆化和組織化,無法實現對基層社會的動員,無法在大爭之世自我強化。但如果沒有儒家,法家將變成不受約束的力量,其威權躰系衹是完全標準化、垂直化、同質化的執行躰系。

何況荀學竝非衹有儒法。《史記》言荀子之思想迺是縂結儒、墨、道家的成功失敗滙聚而成 一一 “推儒、墨、道德之行事興壞,序列著數萬言以卒”。


3. Both Legalism and Confucianism are Necessary

After the Battle of Changping, Xunzi abandoned politics and started to write and teach.

His system of thought was different from the pure Confucianism of Mencius. Mencius proposed to praise virtue and punish vice, whereas Xunzi believed that Nature is the true law and hence people shall understand and take advantage of it, which is China’s earliest form of materialism. Mencius upheld rule by morality and despised rule by dictatorship, while Xunzi proposed the integration of the two. Mencius accepted morality and rejected interests, while Xunzi argued for both. The former proposed to uphold the moral code of ancient emperors, as opposed to emperors of future generations suggested by the latter.

He had two students who later gained fame: Han Fei and Li Si. But the two both went to the Qin state to achieve their ambitions. Xunzi was very much disappointed in them as they not only didn’t integrate Confucianism into Legalism but applied Legalism to the very extreme. Han’s Legalist theory encompassed three factions, namely law, technique, and force, while Li Si devised the overall policy system for Legalism and recommended to burn books and bury the literati in pits. Both of them forgot that Xunzi did recognize Legalism but he always upheld Confucian values, such as the ethics of loyalty, morality, filial piety and fraternal duty, the scholar-bureaucrats’ spirit of following justice rather than monarchs and righteousness rather than fathers, as well as morality-based governance and benevolence-based use of military force. The unity of opposites applies to Legalism and Confucianism. Without Legalism, Confucianism wouldn’t be able to deliver institutionalization or systematization, mobilize the grassroots or reinforce itself in a world of many disputes. Also, without Confucianism, Legalism would be unrestrained, whose authoritarian system would be nothing more than a completely standardized, vertical and homogenous executive system.

Moreover, the School of Xunzi covers more than Confucianism and Legalism. According to the Historical Records, Xunzi’s thought is built on the successes and failures of Confucianism, Mohism, and Taoism: “(Xunzi) studied the successes and failures of Confucianism, Mohism and Taoism and wrote tens of thousands of words before his death”.

The School of Xunzi best reveals the inclusiveness of the Chinese civilization in the face of tremendous predicament and contradiction, as it complies with the “middle path” theory, which is based not on a particular dogma but on truth. In other words, the “middle path” theory is about seeking truths from facts. “Follow anything that is truth for all and abandon anything that is untrue. Otherwise, it wouldn’t be a proper way forward.” The “middle path” spirit built on truth-seeking has made the Chinese civilization very much inclusive to any contradictions and able to integrate them to deliver harmony for coexistence.







行純粹者易,行中道者難。隨時要準備被兩個極耑所拋棄所夾擊。即便如此,歷史最終會沿著中道前進。漢武帝與漢宣帝接受了荀子思想,“禮法郃一”、“儒法郃治”,“漢家自有制度,以王霸道襍之”。接著,歷代王朝也按照他的思想繼續前行。衹是因爲他的“不純粹”,所有王朝都 衹用其實而不用其名。好在荀子衹唯實不唯名。儒法由此真正郃流。法家創造了中央集權郡縣制和基層官僚系統,儒家則創造了士大夫精神和家國天下的集躰主義倫理,在魏晉唐宋又融郃了道家和彿家,創造了儒釋道郃一的精神世界。


4. Reemergence of Xunzi and the “secret” of the grand unification of China

Xunzi died at the age of 90 or so.

His thoughts were so contradictory that he was never revered by any Confucian factions throughout the 1,800 years after Confucianism became the orthodox in China. Although Han Yu defended him with a few words 900 years later, the two were criticized by the Neo-Confucianism in the Song and Ming dynasties for another 900 years.

It was not until the reign of Emperor Qianlong in Qing dynasty that scholars discovered that the great literature about Confucianism in early Han dynasty, be it current or ancient classics, were all passed down by Xunzi, such as Zuo’s Commentary, Guliang’s Commentary, Poetry of Mao, Poetry of Lu, Poetry of Han, Records of Ritual Matters by Dai the Elder and Records of Ritual Matters by Dai the Younger. As philosopher Liang Qichao said, all the current and ancient classics of the Han dynasty were passed down by Xunzi, and all was covered by Xunzi despite numerous changes in the past 2,000 years.

It turned out that Xunzi made Li Si and Han Fei two prodigies of Legalism while quietly passing down Confucianism in the last 30 years of bitter wars among the seven states. After the incident of burning books and burying literati, only he privately and discreetly passed down the classics, which were rewritten by Confucian scholars of the Han dynasty. “At the time when seventy-two disciples of Confucius were dead, Confucian scholars of the Han dynasty were yet to emerge, warring states fought one another, and the Qin state was imposing tyranny, it was Xunzi that managed to pass down the Confucian classics.”

The heretic that was devoted to rewriting the classics turned out to be most faithful to the classics.

It was easy to go to extremes but hard to seek for the middle path, as one had to brace for any abandonment or attack by the two extremes. Even so, history eventually advanced towards the middle path. Both Emperor Wu and Emperor Xuan of the Western Han dynasty accepted Xunzi’s thought, integrating morality with the law and Confucianism with Legalism, and governing the state with virtue and force combined. Dynasties that followed applied his thought as well. But due to his unorthodox nature, all the ensuing dynasties didn’t mention his name. But his thought was widely applied not for his name but for his essence, which promoted the integration of Confucianism and Legalism. Legalism invented the centralized system of prefectures and counties and the grassroots bureaucratic system, while Confucianism created the spirit of shidafu scholar-bureaucrats and the collectivism of governing one’s family, then a region and finally the state. And in the Wei, Jin, Tang and Song dynasties, Confucianism was blended with Taoism and Buddhism, to usher in a spiritual world that combined Confucianism, Buddhism, and Taoism.

Such an exceedingly stable state structure of grand unification extended across the entire East Asia, which explains why the Chinese civilization didn’t seek for hegemony when it was strong or fragment when it was weak and survived till today. This is still considered a secret today because most Western scholars still refuse to know about it.







在發表於公元前380年的《泛希臘集會詞》中,伊索尅拉底說,“在我們從同一源泉獲得利益、和同一敵人進行戰鬭之前,希臘人不可能和睦相処。” “爲此,我們必須竭力使戰爭盡快從這裡轉入亞洲大陸(小亞細亞)。”





Ancient Greece: the success or failure is all due to city-states

1. The Greater Hellenism

In 325 BC, Alexander the Great led the Greek legion that had conquered Egypt and Persia to the Beas River of Punjab in India, on the other side of which were India and China. He enthusiastically encouraged soldiers to march on, but fully loaded with spoils of war, the soldiers didn’t want to inch eastward any more. Alexander had to return home after wailing in the setting sun alongside the River and died of illness two years later.

Alexander’s invasion into the East was triggered by the unification movement in the Greek world that originated from the city-state crisis. The ancient Greek civilization that the West cherishes so dearly today is just a tiny fraction of the Athenian history, which is the golden age when Pericles was in power in Athens, representing the greatest achievement of the democratic system. But it lasted only several decades before the Greek city-states descended into prolonged fierce civil strife, where Athens and Sparta jostled for hegemony with massacre in cities. In the wars, land was gradually concentrated in the hands of the rich, and the poor who lost their land were hired as mercenaries by foreign city-states to fight against their own ones.

This turbulence lasted for 100 years, during which some people called for uniting to conquer and colonize Persia instead of scrambling for limited resources in a bid to have lasting peace for Greece.

The most vocal were Isocrates, the best rhetorician in Athens, and Aristotle, the best philosopher in Greece.

Isocrates said in Panegyrics released in 380 BC, “before we obtain interests from the same origin and fight the same enemies, the Greeks cannot live in harmony... That’s why we have to do our utmost to transfer the war here to the Asian continent (Asia Minor).”

This was named by contemporary historians “Panhellenism” or “Greater Hellenism”, which was fundamentally driven by the effort to meet the challenges of land shortage and overpopulation, laying a foundation for the ensuing colonial imperialism in the West. Isocrates was the first to come up with the idea of colonial imperialism.

He advocated it for 40 years, but Athenians turned a blind eye to it because those in favor of civil war were in power. They continued to fight Sparta, Thebes and Macedonia and refused to work together with other city-states against Persia.

He finally gave up on Athens, and instead publicly appealed to Philip, who was the King of Macedonia, a peripheral country in the city-state world of Greece, to unify Greece. He proposed a famous strategy to Philip, “you will also induce many of the other satraps to throw off the King’s power if you promise them “freedom” and scatter broadcast over Asia that word which, when sown among the Hellenes, has broken up both our empire and that of the Lacedaemonians.” (To Philip)

These words were quite different from what impressions later generations had on freedom and democracy. 20 years later, the son of Philip, Alexander the Great, applied his strategy, conquered Egypt and Persia and established the greater colonial empire of Greece. But Alexander was the disciple of Aristotle rather than Isocrates, and Aristotle went even further on the path of the Great Hellenism than Isocrates.





亞歷山大一邊殘酷征服,一邊傳播希臘文明。他在非洲、西亞、中亞和南亞建立了大量擁有競技場和神廟的希臘化城市,用博物院和圖書館建造科學文化、哲學藝術的殿堂。他甚至還把亞洲的動植物標本源源不斷送廻給正在雅典辦學的亞裡士多德做研究。之後的拿破侖遠征埃及時也帶上了大量考古學家,最終發現了羅塞塔石碑,開啓了埃及學。西方帝國主義暴力征服 文明傳播的方式,是亞裡士多德發明的。

亞裡士多德對亞歷山大提出要求,“做亞洲人的主人,做希臘人的領袖。”伊索尅拉底也曾對腓力說,“說服可用於希臘人,強迫可用於蠻族人”。這正是“希臘帝國”的精髓一一內部是民主, 外部是殖民;上麪是公民,下麪是奴隸。這種雙重標準的希臘式帝國,是日後歐洲帝國的精神原型與政治模板。

2. The dual character of the Greek empire

Aristotle was born in Thrace, a small town under the rule of Macedonia, which was the land of barbarians in the eyes of the Athenians.

Despite his origin, he was devoted to Greece. At the age of 17, he went to Plato’s Academy alone. He was Plato’s best disciple and was expected to succeed him. But before he died, Plato handed the Academy to his nephew rather than Aristotle, which can be largely explained by the fact that Aristotle was an outsider who could not own legal property (land) or participate in politics because he had no citizenship. According to the law, those having the citizenship of Athens must have Athenian parents. The law separated from Athens the greatest Greek sage and all those who were not born in Athens but devoted to it. Interestingly, the law was enacted by Pericles, the model of democratic politics.

Aristotle left Athens and headed for Macedonia, where he served as the tutor of Alexander the Great and shaped him with the highest standard of the ancient Greek civilization. He made the 14-year-old boy fall in love with the ancient Greek literature and Homeric epics and interested in a vast array of knowledge including biology, botany and zoology. More importantly, he taught him political thoughts. He even wrote On Monarch and On Colony to teach Alexander. As Hegel said, the greatness of Alexander’s spirit and cause originated from Aristotle’s profound metaphysics.

Alexander was cruelly making inroads while spreading the ancient Greek civilization. Across Africa, East Asia, Central Asia and South Asia he built hellenistic cities with many arenas, temples, where museums and libraries were set up for science, culture, philosophy and art. He even sent animal and plant specimens in Asia back to Athens for Aristotle’s research. On the expedition to Egypt, Napoleon also brought with him a large number of archaeologists who helped him find Rosetta Stone that cracked the code of hieroglyphics. It was Aristotle that invented the pattern of conquest by force plus civilization spread for the Western imperialism.

Aristotle asked Alexander to “be the master of Asians and the leader of the Greeks”. Isocrates also told Philip that “persuasion could be used to the Greeks and force to the barbarians”. This is the essence of the Greek empire: democracy on the inside and colony on the outside, citizens at the top and slaves at the bottom. The Hellenistic empire with such double standard provided a source of inspiration and political template for European empires in the years that followed.








3. Paradox between unification and freedom?

The development of history was different from what they had envisioned.

In 338 BC, the Battle of Chaeronea broke out. Athens challenged Macedonia with troops but ended up with a crushing defeat. Macedonia then quickly organized the League of Corinth and started to invade Persia. Upon hearing the news, Isocrates was already 98 years old. He fasted to death after seeing the dead soldiers brought home.

His vision of Great Greece contained an unsolvable paradox: how to make sure that Macedonia, with its strong force, would only “persuade” Athens and not resort to force? Conversely, how could the eloquent Athens reconcile to Macedonia’s persuasion? The young Athenians who died from fighting against Macedonia made Isocrates realize the tragedy that would continue. He valued freedom but was avid for unity. But the force brought by unity would curtail freedom, and the chaos initiated by freedom would disrupt unity.

After Isocrates died, there was no more unity among the Greek city-states. On the eve of the Greek expedition, Philip was just assassinated, and Thebes immediately started to rebel; right after Alexander died in Babylon, Athens rose in revolt; and when Macedonia had a decisive battle with the invaders from Rome, the Greek city-states stabbed the King in the back. Even if Macedonia expanded the peninsula civilization of Greece to a global one, the Greek city-states would rather let themselves conquered by invaders than agree with Macedonia.

As US historian Ferguson said, the Greek city-states couldn’t integrate as one. “The city-states in Greece are like single-celled organisms with a unique organization inside themselves, which couldn’t develop further unless further segmented. They could replicate in unlimited amounts, but these cells, new or old, could not unite as a powerful nation-state.”

This is because the politics of the Greek city-states is built on autonomy rather than democracy. They could choose any political systems, but would never succumb to foreign powers. The natives in the city-states were the only ones that could decide which political system to adopt. “Absolute autonomy” means “absolute localism”, which makes unity impossible. The city-states were opposed to not only territorial states but the confederation of Macedonia. Before the entire Greek world was conquered by Rome, they didn’t have a federal system satisfying to all city-states, big or small. Their respective interests were above the common ones.



中國上古時代也曾經有過萬邦林立、一城一國的侷麪(執玉帛者萬國)。到周初還賸一千八百個部落方國。但最終這些城邦沒有長期分立,而是形成了地區性王國,進而發展成統一王朝。表麪上看,西亞北非的古老文明如囌美爾、埃及和波斯也是如此。其實不一樣。亞非古國靠的是 “神權”,中國靠的是世俗倫理共識。







4. Unification of China’s warring states and fragmentation of Greece

The warring states and ancient Greece had completely different political perceptions of unification and fragmentation. 

China back to the very early times was tremendously fragmented, in which each town was run like a state. (“Representatives from ten thousand states held jade and silk (to assemble at Tu Mountain)” as described in classics.) The number of tribal states, by the time when the Zhou dynasty was just founded, was still 1,800 or around. They did not distinguishably stand long, however. Instead, those tiny states previously in blooming clusters became regional kingdoms and later evolved even into a unified country. The same story seemingly took place in ancient civilizations, like Sumer, Egypt and Persia, over the West Asia and North Africa, yet the point is the latter were shaped all by “divine rights”, while in ancient China people were united with an ethical consensus.

China as a united being of town-states was always under the sovereignty of one person, either in name or having a final say, over the lengthy period spanning from the Xia to Zhou dynasty. He was the chosen one bearing a supreme and divine destiny, which covered both force and morality. A person so destined must be strong and kind enough to his subjects, or the destiny would turn around. It did happen that Jie, the notorious tyrant of Xia dynasty, was killed by Tang who later founded the Shang dynasty. The demise of his dynasty, however, finally arrived with the successors’ brutality and ferocity. The practice has remained even in the Warring States period. However the seven kingdoms engaged in armed conflicts with one another, they all believed in one central authority. The same voice came also from the ideological sphere that a fragmented regime could not live long. By contrast, the contemporary Greek city-states never held such an idea. They made allies and fought constantly against each other.

All states were on ethical grounds connected in the Zhou dynasty. Others must give a hand whenever a state was suffering plagues or famine, or send a congratulatory or condolence message to wherever good or bad news came from. They were moral obligations the then emperor had to honour, and there was even no exception for a kingdom wielding power over the rest. This did help secure a consensus among all states that they were actually a united nation. Things were different among Greek city-states, however. A new city-state had no duty or obligation to the mother city-state it grew from and even oftentimes waged a war against the latter. The Greek identity almost went nowhere even during the Greco-Persian Wars.

Thus come different ways for the two worlds. We see a fragmenting west in territory, nation and language. Once in a while they sought to unify the continents with swords (Roman Empire) and hymns (the Church), yet the efforts all failed and led ultimately to what we know as the individualism and liberalism. We Chinese, however, love to see a country with unified nations and languages. China, once being forcibly fractured because of regime changes or nomadic attacks, never failed to become a reunited country. This is also where the Chinese collectivism comes from. Instead of “separation”, the Chinese people emphasize a “division” of roles. Xunzi left a comment that it was the habit of living together that enabled mankind to survive the wildness. He believed the key was to divide roles, in which everyone should fulfil a job but, in the meantime, take care of each other. In his view, an ethical and righteous division of roles could bind all people together. Role division, therefore, brings joint efforts that make a unified society possible. The unity, behind which stand a wider range of social resources, means greater human power to reshape the nature.





他還提出了“絕對王權”的概唸。即“由君主一人代表整個氏族或整個城市,全權統治全躰人民的公務,猶如家長對於家庭的琯理。” 他認爲,“整躰縂是超過部分,這樣卓絕的人物,本身恰恰是一個整躰,而其他的人們便類於他的部分,惟一可行的辦法就是大家服從他的統治,不同他人輪番,讓他無限期地執掌治權。” 批評亞裡士多德的人說,“絕對王權”是爲了亞歷山大量身定做的政治理論,說明他熱愛權力甚於真理。



5. Why did Aristotle’s thought shape future Western civilizations but fail to conquer Athens?

Aristotle outlived Isocrates by 15 years. When Alexander was on the expedition, Aristotle was well received to return to Athens, where he opened the Lyceum (Peripatec School) to recruit philosophers who were born in other city-states just as him, which quickly surpassed the Platonic Academy. The Athenians condemned him as the vanguard of cultural aggression.

In the Academy, Aristotle established the most sweeping and unified knowledge system in the human history, and wrote Politics, the Bible in Western political studies, in which he had many reflections on the politics of city-states and vehemently criticized the mob rule as another autocracy above the law, similar to the extreme populism.

He also introduced the concept of absolute monarchy: a sovereign represents the entire clan or city and rules the matters of all the people, just as a parent manages domestic affairs. He said, “the whole is greater than its parts. Such an extraordinary person is like a whole, and others are his parts. The only feasible way is to make everyone subject to his rule and let him stay in power infinitely.” According to those that criticized Aristotle, “absolute monarchy” was a political theory customized for Alexander, exposing his lust for power more than truth.

After Alexander’s death, Aristotle was immediately attacked, to be trialed at the ecclesia of Athens for his “blasphemy”. The one before him that was forced to drink poison hemlock after the trial was his master Socrates.

But Aristotle wouldn’t like to repeat it. So he fled to the island of Euboea, where he died a year later. His escape was mocked by the entire city-state of Athens.















6. The demise of the Greek empire and its lessons

After Alexander’s death, his empire disintegrated, with three kingdoms fighting one another, leading to further disintegration and independence. This was not because Alexander died too early. When in power, he didn’t initiate an internal political integration of the gigantic empire, much less the establishment of the grassroots authorities, except for an effort made to promote marriage among some members of the upper class in Eurasia. 

Building Hellenistic autonomous cities in places they invaded was the way the empire of Macedonia expanded. Such autonomy was imposed to the Greek colonists who settled in colonized cities, and not to the conquered indigenous communities. Alexander would dispatch a satrap to each newly-conquered Asian city to manage the military and taxation except civil affairs.

China’s grassroots authorities in the Warring States period were very much different. As indicated in the excavated bamboo writing slips of the Qin state, the Qin state would establish a grassroots authority organization at the county and village levels in every place it extended to, and the officials of every county and village would manage all the civil affairs, reclaim land, carry out census, collect taxes, document property and transfer all this information to the capital city Xianyang for record. And the officials would be replaced every few years.

If they only wanted money and taxes and would suppress any revolts with troops, they might acquire the greatest wealth with the minimum administrative cost, but in the meantime they lost the opportunity to integrate local societies in the longer term. When the central government was strong enough, this might work. But when it was weak, cities might stay away from its control. In this sense, the fragmentation of Alexander’s empire was inevitable.

Alexander was not to blame, as even his tutor Aristotle hadn’t thought about a system for a super large polity. His concept of absolute monarchy was confined to a city-state only. There were super large polities for research at that time, such as Egypt and Persia, but Aristotle considered them to be apolitical and unadvanced and believed politics only applied to the Greek city-states.

According to later generations, Greece as a political entity has disappeared, but its culture and spirit lived on in Rome forever as the birthplace for the spirit of Europe. It is not a big deal for a country to collapse, so long as its culture stays forever.

Take a look at the reaction of the Greeks. As Greece went to demise, a large number of senior intellectuals in Greece were taken hostage to serve as teachers for the Roman aristocratic families, one of whom was Polybius, a well-known historian, who wrote in his masterpiece Histories, “why did Greece keep disintegrating while Rome keep so strong?” What he wanted back then was probably not a Greece with spirit only, but the one with both entity and spirit.

Freedom comes first, or order first?

The destiny of these philosophers indicates that every civilization or every spiritual pursuit has immense contradictions. In the evolution of human societies, there was no theory that could explain everything nor any absolute principle that could be universally applied. Every philosopher devoted to changing the real world rather than building a utopia would eventually feel the pain of inconsistency. But in the pain and contradictions lies a path to the future for mutual reinforcement. One has to create possibilities out of the impossible and never concede to anything absolute.

What the Eastern and Western civilizations are perplexed about is to put freedom first or order first, which is respectively the core value of the Greek and Chinese civilizations.

The passion of the Greeks for freedom has turned “Greek” from a name of a particular race to the emblem of wisdom, while the passion of the Chinese people for order has made the Chinese civilization the only one that has survived till this day in the form of a country with the same roots and culture.

As order brings stability and freedom encourages innovation, which one is better? This involves a debate about philosophy, politics, religion, and ethics that would go on forever, which doesn’t require a conclusion. These differences would make it possible for civilizations to interact with one another. Diversity and contradiction would contribute to enriching the gene pool of human civilizations. The debate on choosing freedom first or order first should not impede the interactions between Chinese and Western civilizations, but should drive them to interact. On one hand, we have been keenly aware of the creativity brought by freedom as technological advances head for disruptive innovation. On the other, frequent outbreaks of non-traditional security crises have given us fresh perspectives on the importance of order. We have to think about how to enhance order to prevent it from being disrupted and how to encourage freedom to spur innovation. The question is not about choosing from freedom and order but about where to encourage freedom and where to enhance order.

In the old days, it might take hundreds of years and several generations to do the trial and error to validate a theory. But today, with the technological revolution, we can have a clear picture within just a few years. A civilization could have sustainable development only if it learns to reflect, accommodate, live in harmony and interact with one another. To this end, China and Europe should sit down together and talk about it.




