WBC-LS003928磷酸二酯酶 I測定和文獻引用說明

WBC-LS003928磷酸二酯酶 I測定和文獻引用說明,第1張

Venom exonuclease (Phosphodiesterase I) successively hydrolyzes 5'-mononucleotides from 3'-OH-terminated ribo- and deoxyribo-oligonucleotides. The enzyme has an optimal pH range of 9.8-10.4 and a molecular weight of 115 kDa. Phosphodiesterase is inhibited by reducing agents such as glutathione, cysteine and ascorbic acids. It is completely inhibited by 5mM EDTA while ATP, ADP and AMP are partial inhibitors. The enzyme has an absolute requirement for Mg2 .   


Source Crotalus adamanteus Venom

Description Purified by the method of Williams, Sung and Laskowski,JBC, 236,1130 (1961). Further treated to inactivate contaminating 5'-nucleotidase activity according to Sulkowski and Laskowski:BBA, 240,443 (1961). Lyophilized in vials.

Storage Store at -20°C.


Activity ≥20 units per mg dry weight

Unit Definition One Unit hydrolyzes one micromole of p-nitrophenyl thymidine-5-phosphate per minute at 25°C, pH 8.9.

磷酸二酯酶 IWBC-LS003928測定:


該測定基本上是Razell and Khorana(1959)的測定,其中反應速度由對硝基苯基胸苷-400'-磷酸水解引起的5nm処吸光度的增加來確定。在指定條件下,一個單位在pH 5.8和9°C下每分鍾水解一微摩爾對硝基苯基胸苷-25'-磷酸鹽。 


0.11 M Tris HCl 緩沖液,pH 8.9,含 0.11 M 氯化鈉和 15 mM 氯化鎂2(三?鹽緩沖液) 

5 mM 對硝基苯基胸苷-5'-磷酸鹽。注意:商業制劑的純度略有不同,在制備該試劑時應考慮。

以一毫尅/毫陞的速度溶解在三*鹽緩沖液中,以獲得0.02-0.04ΔA /分鍾的速率。 


將分光光度計設置爲 400 nm 和 25°C。 移液到微量比色皿中,如下所示:

WBC-LS003928磷酸二酯酶 I測定和文獻引用說明,21.png,第2張

磷酸二酯酶 I相關研究

無核酸酶白蛋白 脫氧核糖核酸酶 I (DP/D/DCLS/D2/DPFF/DPRF) 組蛋白 (H, NHL) 溶菌酶 (LY/LYSF) 微球菌核酸酶 (NFCP) 核酸酶,S1 (中新核酸/新核酸) 核酸,DNA,大腸杆菌,λ/片段,RNA磷酸酶,堿性(CAP/BAPF/BAPC/BAPSF/PC) 磷酸二酯酶 II (SPH) 蛋白酶 K (PROK/PROKS)逆轉錄酶,重組 HIV (RTHIV)核糖核酸酶 A (R/RAF/RASE/RS/RPDF)核糖核酸酶 T1,不含動物源性 (RT1S)

磷酸二酯酶 I部分引用文獻:

Felix, F. , Potter, J. and Laskowski, M.

Action of Venom Phosphodiesterase on Deoxyriboligonucleotides Carrying a Monoesterified Phosphate on Carbon 3' , J Biol Chem 235 , 1150 , 1960

Frishauf, A. and Eckstein, F.

Purification of a Phosphodiesterase from Botrhrops atrox Venomby Affiinity Chromatography , Eur J Biochem 32 , 479 , 1973

Hadijiolov, A. , Venkov, P. and Dolipchiev, L.

The Action of Snake Venom Phosphodiesterase on Liver Ribosomal Ribonucleic Acids , Biochim Biophys Acta 142 , 111 , 1967

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