Data of Chinese students who Study abroad in Mayalisa

Data of Chinese students who Study abroad in Mayalisa,第1張

Data of Chinese students who Study abroad in Mayalisa

Data of Chinese students who Study abroad in Mayalisa,第2張


The number of Chinesestudents studying in Malaysia is increasing year by year;
The latest data shows that,by 2022,New Chinese students studying in Malaysia during the first and second seasons,are 5,422人 and 3,949,the third ,9,145.We could expect the new Chinese students would aroudn 25,000 in Malaysia in 2022!
The education company of Youcai International Holdings fully promotes the business of studying abroad in Malaysia, promoting and publicizing the relevant Malaysian educational institutions in China,to enable Chinese students and parents to have a more comprehensive understanding of Malaysian institutions and education system,send qualified Chinese students to Malaysian universities.

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