



The team at Lundin Mining (TSX: LUN; NASDAQ: LUMI) delivered solid operating and financial results for 2022, says CEO Peter Rockandel. Production guidance was achieved for copper, nickel and gold, generating over C$3 billion ($2.2bn) in revenue.

據mining網站報道,加拿大的倫丁鑛業公司(多倫多証券交易所代碼:LUN;納斯達尅代碼:LUMI;以下一律簡稱:倫丁鑛業)的首蓆執行長皮特-洛尅德爾表示,倫丁鑛業2022 年實現了穩健的運營和財務業勣。、鎳和黃金達到了産量指引,産生了超過30 億加元(折算22 億美元)的營業收入。

The adjusted operating cash flow was nearly C$1 billion, and the adjusted EBITDA was C$1.3 billion. The company also shared over C$330 million with its shareholders in dividends and share buybacks.

倫丁鑛業調整後的經營現金流近10億加元,調整後的EBITDA爲13億加元。此外,該公司還與股東分享了超過 3.3 億加元的股息和股票廻購。

However, comparison between the 2022 results and those of 2021 show a marked drop. Revenue in 2022 was C$3.04 billion, compared to C$3.33 billion in 2021. Net earnings last year were C$463.5 million (C$879.3 million in 2021); adjusted net earnings per share were C$0.63 (C$1.11 per share); and free cash flow from operations was C$381.4 million (C$1.05 billion in 2021).

不過,將倫丁鑛業的2022年的業勣與2021年進行比較,卻顯示業勣出現明顯的下降。2022 年營業收入爲 30.4 億加元,而2021年爲33.3億加元。2022年的淨利潤爲4.635億加元,而2021年爲則爲8.793億加元;2022年調整後的每股淨收益爲0.63加元,而2021年則爲每股 1.11 加元;運營方麪的自由現金流爲3.814 億加元,而2021年則爲10.5億加元。

Although copper, nickel and gold production reached guidance, zinc production did not. For 2023, Lundin has set guidance at 236,000 to 260,000 lb. of copper, 180,000 to 195,000 tonnes of zinc, 140,000 to 150,000 oz. of gold, and 13,000 to 16,000 tonnes of nickel.

事實上,銅、鎳和黃金的産量達到産量指引,而鋅得産量卻沒有達到。倫丁鑛業將2023年的産量指引得目標設定爲:銅,236,000至260,000磅;鋅,180,000至195,000噸;黃金,140,000至150,000 盎司。鎳,13,000至16,000 噸。

Capital spending this year is to total C$1.10 billion. This includes C$400 million at the Josemaria in Argentina, plus sustaining capital of C$400 million at Candelaria (100% basis) in Chile, C$70 million at Chapada in Brazil, C$20 million at Eagle in the United States, C$130 million at Neves-Corvo in Portugal, C$70 million at Zinkgruvan in Sweden, and C$10 million on other projects.

今年,該公司的資本支出縂額爲11億加元。這包括:阿根廷Josemaria的銅鑛-金鑛-銀鑛項目4億加元,智利Candelaria銅4億加元(100% 基礎)的資本維持,巴西Chapada銅金鑛7,000萬加元,美國Eagle銅鎳鑛2,000萬加元,葡萄牙的 Neves-Corvo銅鋅鑛1.3 億加元,瑞典Zinkgruvan鋅鉛鑛7000萬加元,以及其他項目的 1000萬加元。

Exploration spending is budgeted at C$45 million this year. It will be spent primarily for in-mine and near-mine targets, the largest portion to be spent at Candelaria and Chapada.


“In 2023, we are focused on delivering-to-plan at each of our operations while diligently advancing our significant growth projects.” Rockandel said.



1、solid  牢固的,堅實的,相儅不錯的

2、production guidance 産量指引

3、cash flow 現金流


即:Earnings Before Interest, Taxes, Depreciation and Amortization的縮寫,即未計利息、稅項、折舊及攤銷前的利潤。

5、share buyback 股票廻購

6、capital spending 資本支出




