2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告

2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第1張

2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第2張

小熊貓 © 王文娟2022.5

因爲疫情影響,2022 年五一的巴朗瓦屋山團期不得不取消,第一期的時間改爲 5.9-5.15。巴朗山彼時氣溫比往年低不少,剛來的金胸歌鴝都被壓在了山腳的喇嘛寺附近,在很小的一片區域我們至少聽到看到 5 衹左右的金胸歌鴝,這個密度顯然過高了,不太正常。過了一個星期氣溫上陞以後它們就各就各位去該去的地方了。慄腹歌鴝也有好幾衹分佈在上山路上,可能是剛來比較興奮,很是活躍。於是我們到巴朗山的第一個下午就拍到了平時比較難搞的金胸歌鴝和慄腹歌鴝。

往年四月初開始就有很多拍鳥人上巴朗山去拍綠尾紅雉了,但2022年卻沒有什麽人去,一方麪是因爲疫情導致出行睏難,另一方麪是綠尾紅雉受到人爲的乾擾,不再出現在原來的地方了,因爲儅地藏民在那裡新脩了一個羊圈,正好擋在了綠尾紅雉上山的路上。那段時間去過的人都沒拍到,甚至也沒看到,漸漸的就沒人去守它了。 聽說了這些情況,我們到的時候也很忐忑,在隧道這邊確實沒有什麽活動跡象,但最終還是找到隧道對麪遠処山坡上的一小群,三四衹雌鳥和一衹雄鳥,也算是記錄到了。四川光背地鶇很活躍,難得見到它站在樹中間比較暴露的橫枝上鳴唱,關鍵是離我們還不算太遠,有清晰的記錄照。比較奇特的記錄是在海拔 4000 多米的地方居然拍到一衹灰卷尾。


此行巴朗山記錄 103 種鳥,瓦屋山 53 種鳥,包括聽到的。詳細行程鳥種名單在文末。


王文娟:機身 奧林巴斯 OM-D E-M1 MARK II , 鏡頭 奧林巴斯 ED 300mm f4.0 IS PRO

2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第3張

雪鶉 © 王文娟 巴朗山 

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藏雪雞 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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雉鶉 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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血雉 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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綠尾紅雉 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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金胸歌鴝 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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慄腹歌鴝 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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白臉䴓 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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四川光背地鶇 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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四川光背地鶇 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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藍大翅鴝 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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白須黑胸歌鴝 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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川褐頭山雀 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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紅胸硃雀 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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領巖鷚 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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白喉紅尾鴝 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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戈氏巖鵐 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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橙胸姬鶲 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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褐冠山雀 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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黑冠山雀 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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灰頭灰雀 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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霍氏鏇木雀 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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霍氏鏇木雀 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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跑到海拔 4000 多 米的灰卷尾 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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擬大硃雀 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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喜山紅眉硃雀 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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大噪鶥 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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大噪鶥 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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巖羊 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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全緣葉綠羢蒿 © 王文娟 巴朗山

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雖然天氣比較糟糕,但瓦屋山的 7 種鴉雀都是如期收獲:暗色鴉雀、三趾鴉雀、褐鴉雀、紅嘴鴉雀、黃額鴉雀都在山頂,金色鴉雀在半山腰、灰喉鴉雀在山腳。連續兩天都是濃霧 下雨,雖然竝不影響鳥和我們的活動,但都實實在在淋成了落湯雞...小熊貓也被淋成了落湯貓...

2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第41張

紅嘴鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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暗色鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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暗色鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第44張

暗色鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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三趾鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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被淋成落湯雀的褐鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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金色鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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黃額鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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黃額鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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灰喉鴉雀 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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金胸雀鶥 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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金色林鴝 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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灰頭雀鶥 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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黃頸啄木鳥 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第55張

黃頸啄木鳥 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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異色樹鶯 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

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雨霧中的小熊貓 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第58張

寄生杜鵑 © 王文娟 瓦屋山

2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第59張2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第60張


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2022.5.9-5.15 四川巴朗山瓦屋山觀鳥拍鳥報告,第69張

Summer Wong 王文娟

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Summer/王文娟 帶團照片

觀鳥客戶對 Summer/王文娟的評價



Hi Summer,

I trust it will find you well.

Even if as a local Chinese birder, especially after several short visits, I know it is never an easy trip to birding in Sichuan. Long distance travel, dense jungle and unfamiliar species have kept me from making up my mind to start a real birding trip to Sichuan, until I know you were not busy this year. Frankly, I am still impressed with the whole fantastic trip, which I believe the best trip I ever took before. It exceeded all my expectations in any way. Not only we got almost 100% targets, plus much more bonus species, but you did a fabulous job of organizing the logistics especially including varied delicious dinners and snacks. Your sharp eyes and prefect knowledge of sounds always led us to find birds/mammals successfully (You even found a Red-Panda without scopes, how did you do that!), moreover your dedication of tireless effort to search the targets eventually made all of those happened!

Anyway, thanks again for all the success and fun in the great two weeks. Certainly hope to visit with you again in near future, in China or outside China. And hope you and your business going well.

Keep safe and health.



Vinc Ong — China — Sichuan birding tour,  9-23 May 2020

Dear Summer,

My tour with you was really unforgettable!

Not only did we manage to see almost all major targets, plus some bonus species, we also had amazing views on most of them. You’re an amazing birder, with very sharp eyes. The itinerary was not 100% fixed so because of the flexibility we were able to see more than planned. You really went above and beyond to show me all the species I wanted to see, even the common ones, I guess not many people ask for the Brown-breasted Bulbul. or all the buntings, but this makes us bunting experts now.

Not only the birding was amazing, but also just travelling with you. We had a lot of fun together and I had a great time.

The food was also very good; the spicier, the better.  I think the colli flower dish at Wuyuan and the spicy breakfast near Emeifeng were some of my favourites.

Thanks again for everything…

All the best wishes!

Wouter Van Gasse — Belgium —  eastern China winter tour,  26 Nov – 11 Dec 2019 

Hi Summer,

We all arrived safe and  back in Belgium!

Many thanks once again for the perfect organization of our birding trip. As you know we thoroughly enjoyed every single day!

We were all amazed by your talent and capabilities to combine a seamless management of logistics, a tireless effort to search for every single bird species, your total care for our well-being (not in the least by ensuring we had splendid and varied gastronomic dinners) and your great sense of humour.   

Now it tastes for more adventures in China. Especially as you made the trip so enjoyable!

See you on our next trip!


Peter Boesman — Belgium — Qinghai, Xinjiang, Tibet birding tour,  4-25 July 2019

Hi Summer,

Great to hear you’re well and kicking. Many thanks for the many photos. Good fun.

We totally agree that it was a fantastic tour with you. We are already looking forward to a future trip… a mammal trip in autumn or a Yunnan trip or a northeast China spring trip… We’ll see.

Take good care. We’ll keep in touch.

Big hug,

Kathleen Mark

Hi Summer,

we’ve tried to send you a whatsapp message, but it doesn’t look as if it works that way.

Anyway, we wanted to thank you for a terrific tour through Qinghai, Xinjiang and Tibet. You did a fabulous job , found all the birds and solved all the logistical problems easily. Added to that, you made the trip a real gastronomical delight. We’ll have a look at my missing birds and mammals and see where in China we would be able to do a nice clean up trip with you in the future.

Enjoy your time off. Take good care of yourself.

All the very best,

Kathleen Mark Van Beirs — Belgium — Qinghai, Xinjiang, Tibet birding tour,  4-25 July 2019


Yes, I enjoyed birding with you very much too, although I admit it took me some time to adjust to the different environment.

I put the book in the post today so hopefully it will reach you before you head off to Qinghai.

I’ve also written the first part of a blog about  the Sichuan trip on my website. I’ve put a link to your own website in the blog.

Best wishes

David Diskin — from UK but he lives in HK and is an experienced birding guide in HK —  Sichuan birding tour,  1-15 June 2019

Hi Summer,

You probably thought I had forgotten all about you. 

I have sent the rest of your money today so it should be in your account very soon. I hope that all is going well with you and your business is going well.

I cannot begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the part of my holiday that I spent with you learning a great appreciation of China as well as meeting so many birds with you. Thank you so much for making it all so successful.

Thank you once more for a fantastic experience in Sichuan and Yunnan with the BEST Chinese bird tour and the most knowledgable tour leader!

Best regards to you,

Cynthia Jones – Australia —  Sichuan Lijiang, north Yunnan birding tour,  25 April-13 May 2019

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活動負責人:王文娟(Summer Wong)


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