


 英語晨讀 ·


本次文獻選自Fiala K, Martens J, Abd-Elsayed A. Post-COVID Pain Syndromes. Curr Pain Headache Rep. 2022 May;26(5):379-383. 本次學習由閻芳副主任毉師主講。



Long-lasting Testicular Pain

There is growing evidence that a rare long-term complication of SARS-CoV-2 infection is testicularpain. Case reports by Marca et al. and Kim et al. document instances of atypical abdominal and long-term testicular pain in patients following infection with SARS-CoV-2. It has been proposed that the presence of high concentrations of angiotensin converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in kidney and testicular tissue may help to explain the prevalence of long-term testicular pain in COVID-19 patients. SARS-CoV-2 appears to have a strong affinity for ACE2 receptors, serving as a pathway for viral entrance into human cells. Given high expression of ACE2 in spermatogonia, Sertoli cells, and Leydig cells, it is possible that SARS-CoV-2 binding to ACE2 receptors in testis may induce inflammation and facilitate testicular damage and orchitis in infected patients.




While viral interaction with ACE2 in the testicular tissue may explain the mechanism in atypical testicular pain in some cases, it has been noted in other studies that the SAR-CoV-2 virus was not found to be present in the semen or testicular tissue. A case study by Paoli et al. demonstrated that viral mRNA was not present in a patient’s semen or urine that had tested positive for the virus through a nasopharyngeal swab. While there was not mRNA found in the urine, semen, or testicular tissue — a study by Holtmann and colleagues found there to be a decrease in quality of sperm with a moderate COVID infection. Another study from Corona et al. suggests that COVID-19-associated orchitis-like syndrome could be the result of vasculitis due to abnormalities in coagulation and segmental vascularization of the testis.



Given these discrepancies in findings regarding a potential mechanism for pain, it is reasonable to assume that there may be a variety of mechanisms for long-lasting testicular pain in post-COVID patients and clinicians should focus on treating symptoms and identifying patients who are at risk for these post-COVID effects. Due to the increase in COVID-19-related testicular pain as a long-term consequence, there is a need to find a proper treatment plan for these patients. Generally, to treat testicular pain, it is recommended to use ice to reduce swelling or take acetaminophen/ibuprofen; however, further study should be conducted to assess and determine the best treatment plan for COVID-19-related testicular pain. Furthermore, risk factors should be identified for the development of testicular pain with COVID-19 to better prevent its occurrence.



At the University of Wisconsin-Madison Pain Clinic, there have been several cases of post-COVID testicular pain. These cases at UW Pain Clinics can be added to this emerging field of interest analyzing long-lasting long-term testicular pain in patients following infection with SARS-CoV-2.


Chronic Pain

Similar to long-term testicular pain, chronic pain is another atypical symptom following COVID-19 that should be investigated further. Chronic pain is of particular concern for COVID patients who have been admitted to the hospital, particularly the ICU, for their care. Investigations into risk factors for long-standing pain have identified potential risk factors and mechanisms to explain the phenomenon in patients who have been seen in a hospital setting for coronavirus disease . Potential risk factors include acute pain, prolonged ventilation, prolonged immobility, neuromuscular blockade, repeating proning, and neurological insult. Additionally, patient age and overall physical condition likely contribute to patient risk for chronic pain post-infection. Elderly patients and patients with more underlying disorders, particularly hypertension, have been shown to be at a greater risk for chronic pain following treatment for coronavirus . It has been proposed that patient weakness may contribute to rapid deconditioning and joint-related pain, which may help to explain why chronic shoulder pain has been particularly prevalent in patients who were seen in the ICU for coronavirus treatment.







