港口工程施工郃同 (中英文對照)

港口工程施工郃同 (中英文對照),第1張




一、郃同協議書 1. Contract Agreement

二、郃同通用條款 2. General terms of the contract

第6條 甲方的責任

Article 6 Party A’s Responsibilities


Article 7 Party B's responsibilities

第8條 工程監理

Article 8 Project Supervision

第9條 施工期

Article 9 ConstructionPeriod

第10條 施工組織設計

Article 10 Construction Organization Design

第11條 質量控制

Article 11 Quality Control

第12條 郃同價款與支付

Article 12 Contract price and payment

第13條 設計變更 Article 13 Design Amendment

第14條 轉讓與分包

Article 14: Assignment and Subcontracting

第15條 施工安全

Article 15 Construction Safety

第18條 竣工騐收與結算

Article 18 `Completion Acceptance and Settlement


Article 19 Engineering Warranty


III. the Particular Terms of Contract


第6條 甲方的責任

Article 6 Party A's responsibility


Party A shall bear the following responsibilities in accordance with the relevant provisions hereof .


1. Provision of site conditions: Responsible for handling the works of land and water requisition, compensation for young crops and trees, house demolition, removal of ground, underground, overhead, water and underwater obstacles, etc. Provide Party B with the construction site in accordance with the time, location, area and elevation stipulated in the particular terms of contract.


2. Provision of water, electricity and traffic conditions: Responsible for opening the road between the public passage and the construction site at the time and place stipulated in the particular terms of contract, providing connection points for water supply, power supply, communication and other lines and temporary berthing waters for construction ships, and ensuring the construction period unblocked.


3. Provision of construction conditions: go through various procedures required for construction such as red line of land acquisition, navigation notice, dumping area permit, and terminal shoreline approval. Provide Party B with a topographic map of the scope of land acquisition for this project, and go through the procedures for applying for temporary land use. Assist in solving the external conditions which interfere with Party B's construction.


4. Provision of technical data: provide Party B with engineering geological reports and technical data such as benchmarking points, coordinate control points, etc., in accordance with the time and quantity stipulated in the particular terms of contract, and organize design submissions and on-site inspections. Party A is responsible for the authenticity of the above-mentioned information, and Party B is responsible for the understanding and application of the above-mentioned information.


5. Appointment of Party A’s Representative: Party A shall, within 7 days subsequent to signing of the contract agreement, appoint a representative to exercise Party A’s powers as stipulated herein, and be responsible for fulfilling Party A’s obligations as stipulated in the contract, in addition to notify Party B of the appointment in writing. Where Party A will replace its representative, it shall notify Party B 7 days in advance.


6. Payment: Pay the project price to Party B in accordance with the time limit and method stipulated herein.


7. Issuance of engineering instructions: in accordance with the agreement herein, timely issue engineering instructions to Party B, issue drawings, confirm project progress reports, check hidden projects, and go through various acceptance or confirmation procedures.


8. Completion acceptance: the completion acceptance will be organized in a timely manner in accordance with this contract, and the completion settlement will be handled.

第7條 乙方的責任 Article 7 Party B's responsibilities


Party B shall assume the following responsibilities pursuant to relevant provisions.


1. Construction preparation: Responsible for the layout of the construction site and the construction of temporary facilities, and submit, within the time limit stipulated in this contract, the detailed organization design of construction, working schedule and application report to the supervision engineer. The construction of ship machinery and equipment shall be in place in time pursuant to the time, specification and quantity stipulated herein.


2. Submission of reports and statements: submit, timely in accordance with the construction situation and the instructions of the supervision engineer, the acceptance notice of concealed project, the self-inspection report of project quality, the application report of completion acceptance and the engineering accident report to the supervision engineer, in addition to submit on time, the monthly and quarterly plans of construction operations, expenditure plans, and project completion statistics.


3. Ensure progress and quality of the project: Carry out construction and material inspection in accordance with the design documents, technical standards and approved construction organization design requirements, in addition to establish the assurance system of sound construction quality.


4. Provision of conditions: in accordance with the bidding document or the special terms of this contract, provide office, accommodation, transportation and communication conditions for the supervision engineer's on-site work.


5. Responsible for the protection and warranty of the project: the completed buildings and installed equipment shall be protected prior to delivery to Party A. Where damage occurs during the protection period, Party B shall repair it free of charge. Provided that if damage due to Party A’s use in advance, the repair costs thereof shall be borne by Party A. Party B shall, within the warranty period stipulated herein subsequent to completion and acceptance, repair any defects due to Party B’s responsibility free of charge.


6. Appointment of Party B’s Representative: The representative (ie project manager) is appointed at time of signing of the contract agreement and Party B’s representative should have the qualification certificate of project manager which issued by the State or the Ministry of Communications and be stationed at the project site, responsible, as stipulated herein, for fulfillment of Party B’s obligations and management of the project construction hereof. Where Party B effect replacement of its representative, it shall obtain Party A’s consent in advance and notify the supervising engineer seven days in advance.


7. Compliance with government’s laws and regulations: The various decrees and regulations of the government should be observed during the construction process, especially the same on traffic, health, safety, fire protection and environmental protection.


8. Accept engineering supervision: Accept the supervision and management of construction by the supervision engineer in accordance herewith within the scope of Party A’s authorization, execute the engineering instructions issued by the supervision engineer, and participate in the engineering meeting hosted by the supervision engineer or Party A.


9. Temporary berthing facilities: Make preparation, by Party B itself, of the temporary berthing facilities of construction ships, and park subject to the location and method approved by the relevant authorities.



10. Handling of sunken objects: Take all measures to prevent the sinking of construction ships, equipment and materials. In the event of a sinking, any obstacles to the normal operations of traffic and other departments should be reported to the maritime supervision authorities immediately, and buoys or obstacle indicators should be set up until the salvage work is completed, and the costs thereof shall be born by the responsible party.

第8條 工程監理 Article 8 Project Supervision


1. Project supervision: For the purpose of ensuring the quality and safety of the project and controlling the construction progress and project investment, Party A may entrust a supervision unit to supervise the project, and Party B shall accept the supervision.




2. Supervision engineer: Party A shall, prior to the supervision engineer enters the site, notify Party B in writing of the duties and authority of the supervision engineer. The supervision engineer shall, within the scope of Party A’s authorization in accordance with this construction contract, independently and impartially exercise supervision functions and powers.

All actions of the supervision engineer within the scope of Party A’s authorization shall be deemed as Party A’s actions.

The supervision engineer may appoint a certain number of personnel to assist in his work and authorize such personnel to perform part of the duties of the supervision engineer. The supervising engineer can also withdraw such appointments and authorizations at any time, however such appointments, authorizations and withdrawal shall, 7 days in advance, be reported to Party A and notified to Party B.

第9條 施工期 Article 9, the Construction Period


1. Commencement of construction: Party B shall, within the time limit stipulated in the special contract clause, submit the application report of commencement to the supervision engineer which shall, subsequent to its examination and approval by Party A, announce the commencement of construction within the time limit stipulated in the special contract clause.




2. Postponed commencement of construction: Provided that if Party B is unable to commence work on schedule for some reason, it shall, within three days subsequent to receipt of the commence order, submit the application for extension of commence to the supervision engineer which shall reply within three days upon receipt of Party B's report.

Provided that if the supervision engineer fails to reply within three days, it shall be deemed to have agreed to Party B’s request, and the completion date shall be extended accordingly; however the supervision engineer fails to agree to the extension request, or Party B fails, within the specified time, to request extension of the construction commencement, the completion date will not be extended. .

Party A may postpone the commencement date upon obtaining Party B’s consent and notify Party B in writing. Therefore, the direct economic losses to Party B shall be borne by Party A, and the completion date shall be extended accordingly.


3. Extension of construction period: Where the following conditions occur, the construction period can be extended subsequent to confirmation by the supervising engineer and Party A's approval.


(1) Project delay due to design change or increase in engineering volume;


(2) Engineering delays due to force majeure or changes in geological conditions;


(3) Project delay due to Party A;


(4) Other circumstances stipulated in the particular terms s of the contract.



Provided that if one of the above situations occurs, Party B shall, within five days, submit the report to the supervising engineer on the content of the delay, the days number and the expenses incurred due to the delay, and the supervising engineer shall, within five days upon receipt of the report, report the same to Party A for confirmation and reply to confirm the days number and the cost of the extension. Where the supervision engineer fails to reply within the time limit, it can be deemed that Party B’s request has been confirmed by Party A.

Party B shall be liable for breach of failure of completion of the project due to the reasons other than the above.



4. Suspension of construction: Where it is really necessary, the supervision engineer can notify Party B to suspend construction with provision, within 24 hours, of specific handling opinions to Party B which shall suspend construction subject to the supervision engineer’s requirements.

Party B cannot continue the construction until implement the handling opinions of the supervising engineer and received the notice of resumption of work from the supervising engineer.

Where the responsibility for work stoppage or suspension is with Party B, Party B shall bear the loss thereof, and the construction period will not be extended. However if the supervision engineer’s instructions are wrong or the work stoppage responsibility is on Party A, Party B’s economic losses due to work stoppage or suspension shall be borne by Party A, and the construction period affected thereby shall be extended accordingly.


5. Early completion: Provided that if Party A hopes the project completed ahead of schedule, it can stipulate the reward conditions in the particular terms of contract. Provided that if during the execution of this contract, Party A requires the project to be completed ahead of schedule, it shall negotiate with Party B and sign the early completion agreement. Party B shall revise or amend the construction schedule pursuant to this agreement and report to the supervision engineer for approval before implementation.


6. Stage construction period: Provided that if required for the stage construction period, it shall be stipulated in the particular terms of contract.

第10條 施工組織設計

Article 10. Design of the construction organization



1. Submission of construction organization design: Party B shall, within the time limit stipulated in the particular terms of contract, submit the construction organization design to the supervision engineer for review. The main content of the construction organization design should include that construction schedule, construction process with instructions, material supply and inspection, construction site layout, measures of construction quality assurance, construction staff, construction ship equipment, construction safety measures in addition to the protective measures of construction environment, etc.

The construction schedule should be controlled in accordance with the key lines of the network diagram or the main work crossroad diagram, and should include the estimated monthly workload and image progress.


2. Examination and approval of the construction organization design: The supervision engineer shall provide his inspection opinion within seven days upon receipt of the construction organization design of Party B and submit the same to Party A for approval, and Party A shall, within seven days upon receipt of the review opinion, approve the same.


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