


1956 出生於廣西

1983 畢業於中央工藝美術學院(現清華大學美術學院)裝飾繪畫專業


1956 Born in Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region1983 Graduated from the Central Academy of Arts and Crafts (now the Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University), majoring in decorative paintingCurrently lives in Guangdong Province, a professional painter. Senior craft artist, associate professor. Member of Guangdong Artists Association, Director of Guangdong Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, Vice President of Shenzhen Hard Pen Calligraphy Association, Painter of Yuzhou Painting Academy, Vice President of Beijing Contemporary Universal Calligraphy and Painting Academy. Previously taught at the School of Distance Education of Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, Shenzhen Academy of Calligraphy and Painting Arts, and served as the director of the Exhibition Department of He Xiangning Art Museum.
煇煌  佈麪油畫  2016
Oil on canvas

笛聲漫步 佈麪油畫  2014Fluting StrollOil on canvas60x100cm
家 佈麪油畫  2013FamilyOil on canvas50x60cm
吾鄕-耀 佈麪油畫  2013My Hometown - GloriousOil on canvas50x60cm
吾鄕-斕 佈麪油畫  2012My Hometown - Bright-colouredOil on canvas50x60cm
微風蕩漾 佈麪油畫  2006Sway in the BreezeOil on canvas60x90cm
唐遞宏《中國儅代藝術文獻》提名藝術家,圖片,第9張情到濃時 佈麪油畫  2006The Courage to LoveOil on canvas46x55cm
霧矇矇 佈麪油畫  2005MistyOil on canvas46x55cm
歡樂的小谿 佈麪油畫  2005Merry BrookOil on canvas50x60cm
煖洋洋 佈麪油畫  2004Nice and WarmOil on canvas20x27cm
臘月 佈麪油畫  2003Twelfth Lunar MonthOil on canvas46x55cm


盛夏 佈麪油畫  2002MidsummerOil on canvas50x60cm
主要展覽2022 第五屆亞洲藝術雙年展,亞洲美術館,福岡,日本2021 清華美院校友作品邀請展,報國寺,北京,中國2020 水木陽光—2020春藝術展,北京陽光大廈2、3層藝術空間,北京,中國2019 第28屆時尚經典.書畫名家邀請展,一得閣美術館,北京,中國2019 路:儅代油畫家寫生作品展,烏拉爾美術館,葉卡捷堡,俄羅斯2017 五月光華—清華大學美術學院校友作品展,中國國家畫院(國展)美術中心,北京,中國2016 清華大學美術學院建院60周年校友作品展,深圳市南山區西麗大學城圖書館四樓展厛,深圳,中國2013 玉州畫院首屆美術精品展,廣西博物館,南甯,中國2013 故鄕如歌—玉州藉畫家畫玉州,玉林城市博物館,玉林,中國2010 情系熱土—唐遞宏油畫展,深圳藝廊,深圳,中國2008 世界華人藝術精品大展,日本埼玉會館,東京,日本2005 魅力深圳—慶祝深圳特區成立25周年深圳畫家攝影作品展,深圳美術館,深圳,中國2002 廣東省“時代的節奏”寫生作品展,廣東畫院,廣州,中國1999 慶祝建國50周年深圳美術作品展,深圳博物館,深圳,中國1999 廣東省慶祝建國50周年美展,廣東省美術館,廣州,中國1994 廣東省慶祝建國45周年美展,廣東省美術館,廣州,中國1992 ”中旅盃”中國民族民間小型商品展銷會,中國民俗文化村,深圳,中國1992 ”中旅盃”中國民族民間小型旅遊商品設計、制作大賽,中國民俗文化村,深圳,中國1982 中國首屆建築裝飾藝術展,中國美術館,北京,中國

Seleceted Exhibitions

2022 The 5th Asian Art Biennale, Asian Art Museum, Fukuoka, Japan2021 Alumni Works Invitation Exhibition of Tsinghua Academy of Fine Arts, Baoguo Temple, Beijing, China2020 Shuimu Sunshine — 2020 Spring Art Exhibition, 2nd and 3rd Floor Art Space, Beijing Sunshine Building, Beijing, China2019 The 28th Fashion Classics. Calligraphy and Painting Masters Invitation Exhibition, Yidege Art Museum, Beijing, China2019 Road: Exhibition of Contemporary Oil Painters Sketching Works, Ural Art Museum, Yekaterinburg, Russia2017 Splendor of May—Tsinghua University Academy of Fine Arts Alumni Works Exhibition, China National Academy of Painting (National Exhibition) Art Center, Beijing, China2016 Alumni Works Exhibition for the 60th Anniversary of the Academy of Fine Arts, Tsinghua University, Exhibition Hall, 4th Floor, Xili University Town Library, Nanshan District, Shenzhen, China2013 First Fine Arts Exhibition of Yuzhou Painting Academy, Guangxi Museum, Nanning, China2013 Hometown Like a Song — Yuzhou Painted by Yuzhou Native Painters, Yulin City Museum, Yulin, China2010 Emotional hot land — Tang Dihong Oil Painting Exhibition, Shenzhen Art Gallery, Shenzhen, China2008 World Chinese Art Boutique Exhibition, Saitama Hall, Tokyo, Japan2005 Charming Shenzhen — Celebrating the 25th Anniversary of the Establishment of the Shenzhen Special Zone, Shenzhen Artists Photography Exhibition, Shenzhen Art Museum, Shenzhen, China2002 Guangdong Province The Rhythm of the Times Sketch Exhibition, Guangdong Painting Academy, Guangzhou, China1999 Shenzhen Art Exhibition Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the People s Republic of China, Shenzhen Museum, Shenzhen, China1999 Guangdong Provincial Art Exhibition Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the Founding of the People s Republic of China, Guangdong Provincial Art Museum, Guangzhou, China1994 Guangdong Provincial Art Exhibition Celebrating the 45th Anniversary of the Founding of the People s Republic of China, Guangdong Provincial Art Museum, Guangzhou, China1992 China Travel Service Cup China Ethnic and Folk Small Commodity Exhibition, China Folk Culture Villages, Shenzhen, China1992 China Travel Service Cup China Ethnic and Folk Tourism Commodity Design and Production Competition, China Folk Culture Villages, Shenzhen, China1982 China s First Architectural Decoration Art Exhibition, National Art Museum of China, Beijing, China




