Defend precious sleep,第1張



How was your sleep last night? Let’s check out some sleep habits that may accidentally harm your health.  你昨晚睡得怎麽樣?來看看這些可能會不經意間損害健康的睡眠習慣吧。   

Jump scares from alarms  從閙鈴聲中驚醒

   A young woman recently shared online that she felt dizzy and threw up after her loud alarm woke her up. It was because the blood supply to part of her brain was shortly blocked, according to her diagnosis record.  最近,一個年輕女孩在網上曬出她被巨響的閙鈴吵醒後頭暈、嘔吐的經歷。據她的病歷顯示,毉生診斷其爲短暫性腦缺血發作。

   The body changes during sleep, making people vulnerable in the early hours, Chris Idzikowski of the Edinburgh Sleep Center told Daily Mail. During the later part of the night, the nervous system is less active and most of the body processes slow down. When a sudden noise occurs, blood pressure, heart rate and breathing will react more rapidly.



   Waking up suddenly is not desirable, but it’s difficult for most people to wake up by themselves naturally. A more mild alarm may be helpful, giving the body some time to adjust. Another way can be leaving the curtains half open before sleep – the sunshine in the morning can slowly wake you up.


Sleep late, get up late  晚睡晚起

  Although valuing the 8-hour golden rule of sleeping, some young people may go to bed late and then get up late, such as sleeping from 2 am to 10 am. However, this can be problematic since human bodies can tell the time.


   “Environmental cues such as temperature and light levels ... [tell] the body what time it is,” expert Nerina Ramlakhan wrote in a book about sleep. Ramlakhan added that waking up late the next day could also lead to sleep inertia, which is a state between sleep and waking. This is why, after oversleeping, people may feel even more tired.




  The habit may turn into a disorder called delayed sleep phase syndrome if it is serious enough to affect a person’s study, work and other aspects of life. Special treatments have already been developed to treat the disorder, such as using light to gradually change sleeping patterns.



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