

Elinor's carpet was swimming before her eyes. A tear ran down her nose.


A memory stirred in Meggie's mind. At first, she couldn't identifyit, but then it all came flooding back to her, perfectly clearly, as vivid as a picture in a book.


It was early dawn when Meggie woke up. Night was fading over the fields as if the rain had washed the darkness out of the hem褶邊 of its garment. The birds were twittering loudly as if they'd been awake for hours. There was only a blackbird in the yard hopping over the stones, which were wet after the rain.

Rain fell that night, a fine ,whispering rain. Many years later, Meggie had only to close her eyes and she could still hear it, like tiny fingers tapping on the windowpane. A dog barked somewhere in the darkness.(whispering 用得很準確,下雨就有故事,竝且是低聲說的故事)(比喻很準確雨打在窗玻璃上就像小手指敲打窗戶。)

Mist drifted over the fields at the foot of the nearby hills, and Meggie felt as if the shadows of the night were still hiding among the trees.(霧氣彌漫在田野上)


It was a chilly morning after the night's rain, and the sun hung in the sky like a pale coin lost by someone high up in the clouds.(太陽像遺落在雲間的蒼白的銀幣,這個比喻好別致)

A slight breeze had risen, caressing Meggie's face and rustling in the leaves of the lime tree that grew by the roadside. The sky was still wan蒼白的 and grey ,and refused to clear. (擬人)

雲 與 日

The sun woke her next morning. The air was still cool from the night before, but the sky was cloudless, and when Meggie leaned out of the window she could see the lake gleaming in the distance beyond the branches of the trees.

A few clouds were drifting over Elinor's hous. The sun disappeared behind on eof them, and its shadow fell across the green grass like an ugly mark.

The morning light made its way in only through a few windows, painting pale patches high up on the walls and columns.

The sun shone down from a cloudless blue sky, and the air was filled with scents of summer.

The morning sunlight was already filtering through the cracks of the shutters, but it was as silent in the big house as if even the books on the shelves were sleeping.(擬人)


Twilight was beginning to fall when the mountains drew back from the road and the sea suddenly appeared beyond green hills, a sea as wide as another sky. The sinking sun made it glisten like the skin of a beautiful snake.

The light behind them turned pink and lemon-yellow as the sun sank further down towards the sea, and dark blue trickled down from the sky like ink flowing into water.

The night was growing paler as if lifting her skirts a little way off to let the new mornig appear.

It was a mild night, full of strange scents and the chirpin gof crickets.

Moonlight was seeping(滲出) through the cracks in the shutters.

It was a hot, sultry night. The sky above the black hills was sprinkled with stars.

The hills on the other side rose from the lake like giants emerging from the depths.(山像巨人)

文中其他like 比喻句

1.I am not going to sit here like bait.

2.I am not going to let you stumble into the village like a rabbit into a trap.

3.He was looking at him like a painter seeing one of his pictures again after many long years.

4.Her  arms folded like wings behind her back.

5.They moved on stealthily like stray cat.

6.(The book's) spine hung only by a couple of threads. He held it very carefully, like a bird with a broken wing.


His eyes were yellow as amber or the foaming rapids to her right and her left.(比喻句)

He himself stood there bare-chested, his skin as pale as the moon, which was hanging in the sky right above Elinor's house as if it too had turned up especially for Dustfinger's show.

a tongue as sharp as a paper-knife

文中其他as...as 結搆

1.He looks as white as a sheet.

2.She was grinning as broadly as a child at Christmas。

3.He was breathing as peacefully as a baby.

4.The new floodlights poured light as bright as day.

5.The boy was as quiet as a snake.

6.He was thin as a stray cat.

Flatnose made his way down the slope, clumsy as a bear.




