【Ra 談人類圖】頭腦不是用來做決策的

【Ra 談人類圖】頭腦不是用來做決策的,第1張

Ra Uru Hu was the Human Design System’s founder and messenger. Ra dedicated 25 years of his life to the development and teaching of the System around the world until he passed away in 2011.

Ra Uru Hu : 人類圖的創始人和信息接受者。Ra 人生25年致力於發展和教育人類圖系統,一直到2011年去世。




【Ra 談人類圖】頭腦不是用來做決策的,圖片,第2張




【Ra 談人類圖】頭腦不是用來做決策的,圖片,第3張



【Ra 談人類圖】頭腦不是用來做決策的,圖片,第4張

Human Design says something that has never been said before: “Your mind is not for decision making.”


That’s all the mind has ever been, the decision maker:

“I create this illusion, therefore I shall control it.”

“I will make it be what I want it to be.”

“I will shape it in the way I want to shape it.”





And of course, because one cannot control, make, or shape life with mind, one endures what it is to be unaware by giving the Mind authority. And life brings the chaos and dysfunction of the world we live in to those who are unaware.


What stands in the way for you is a deep conditioning that trains you to follow your mind. It seems appropriate, doesn’t it? I like the humor of it. After all, it is through mind that all of this is possible—me to you, here, our lives.


The thing standing in the way is mind because of the way in which it makes decisions; and when you really grasp it, it will turn your stomach. It has nothing to do with you.


Most of us have whiteness (open centers), some people have a lot. I want you to think about what this means. We’re a bio-form. We have a genetic imperative to reproduce, and reproduction demands that we mate with what is different from us so that we don't create genetic dead ends. So we are designed in our very openness, in our whiteness, to have receptors.


Receptors that, in the language of poetry long, yearn, burn, fade and die for what they are not. It’s hard to imagine the pull the genetic imperative has on a human being. Think about this whiteness when it comes into the world—when it meets the conditioning of its father, and of its mother. How it comes in, how it goes away, how you can’t hold on to it, and how you become seduced by what you do not have. And everything inside of you is a chemistry saying “Yes, yes, yes. You go for it.”


Understand that your mind is connected directly to your openness, which will condition the way your mind makes a decision. Think of the complexity of the not-self, and how the mind system operates based on the so-called not-self strategies of the centers.


When you look at somebody's design, at the definition, you get to see that it gives you a single Strategy, and a single Authority. That is the mechanism, if you follow it, for correctness.


【Ra 談人類圖】頭腦不是用來做決策的,圖片,第5張

The moment that you live your life according to your mind, making decisions according to your mind, there’s just no way you’ll be able to fulfill the potential that is there for you. There’s certainly no way you’ll be able to recognize, and bring into your life those allies that are correct for you, or that you are correct for.


It often leads to dysfunctional relationships that may lead to dysfunctional families of one kind or another. It leads to the homogenization of the life and the narrowing of life into the limited perspectives and possibilities of not-self couples, stuck in the same formulas; so the same joke makes them all laugh because they know that their lives are a pattern, and the pattern is stuck.


It’s the way the not-self lives, and it all goes back to mind. It goes back to understanding that what this knowledge represents is a transition, a movement away from the Inner Authority of mind to the Inner Authority of the body, because we finally know how to access it. We know where it is, and how it works.


The language of Human Design, at its surface, is extraordinarily simple because that is the truth: Respond in form, wait for the invitation, wait out the lunar cycle, these are very simple basic truths. Yet, the mind is very powerful because it has this illusion that it is in charge. There is only one thing to do: If you turn over Authority to your vehicle you can disarm your mind. You can take away its power to distort your life.


That’s what Strategy and Authority does. It begins to release you from this addiction to seeing that you can only be complete by having what you're not; a pursuit where you will never know self-love. Strategy and Authority shows us the beauty of self-love, that we are perfect, correct, unique, and how to live that out with awareness.


All of that begins at the very simple surface. Don’t make decisions with your mind. Let it do whatever it wants, but don’t make decisions with it and it will set you free. Then you don’t have to end up being one of these deeply predictable human beings, where you can put your finger on the openness in any place and say, “See, this is what controls you in your life. You’re controlled by everything you’re not. You suffer in the face of everything that you’re not.” Ignorance is what it is. No need for that. We have the knowledge, we have the tools.















——Ra Uru Hu



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