Case Files: Physiology 學習筆記(17). 生理學案例 突觸電位1.

Case Files: Physiology 學習筆記(17). 生理學案例 突觸電位1.,第1張

Case Files: Physiology 學習筆記(17). 生理學案例 突觸電位1.,第2張

01. jaw muscle

jaw [dʒɔː] n.下巴;頜

temporomandibular joint   顳下頜關節

temporomandibular  [tempərəʊmæn dɪbjʊlə(r)] adj.顳下頜的 

The temporomandibular joint (TMJ) acts like a sliding hinge, connecting your jawbone ([ˈdʒɔːˌbəʊn] n.下頜骨) to your skull. You have one joint on each side of your jaw. 

Case Files: Physiology 學習筆記(17). 生理學案例 突觸電位1.,第3張

temporalis muscle 顳肌 The temporalis muscle is a thin, fan-shaped muscle situated within the temporal fossa ([ temp(ə)rəl] [ fɒsə]顳窩) of the skull. Along with the medial pterygoid ( [ mi:diəl]  [ terəgɔɪd] 翼內肌), lateral pterygoid ([ˈlæt(ə)rəl] [ terəgɔɪd]  翼外肌) and masseter muscles ([mæ seɪtə] n.【解】咬肌), it belongs to the group masticatory muscles ([ mæstɪkətərɪ] adj.咀嚼的).

lateral pterygoid ([ˈlæt(ə)rəl] [ terəgɔɪd] 翼外側肌

masseter muscle [mæ seɪtə] n.【解】咬肌

buccinator muscle [bʌksɪ neɪtə] un.頰肌02. regain [rɪ ɡeɪn] n.恢複;複得;收複03. myasthenia gravis na.【毉】重症肌無力 Case Files: Anesthesiology 學習筆記(124).重症肌無力/多發硬化症1.
Case Files: Anesthesiology 學習筆記(125).重症肌無力/多發硬化症2.
Case Files: Anesthesiology 學習筆記(126).重症肌無力/多發硬化症3.
Case Files: Anesthesiology 學習筆記(127).重症肌無力/多發硬化症4.
04. neostigmine [ˌni:əʊ stɪgmi:n] n.新斯的明 Neostigmine is a parasympathomimetic ([pærəsɪmpəθəʊmɪ metɪk] adj.副交感神經性的) agent that acts as a reversible acetylcholinesterase ([æsɪtɪlkəʊlɪ nestəreɪs] n.乙醯膽堿酯酶) inhibitor.Case Files: Physiology 學習筆記(17). 生理學案例 突觸電位1.,第4張

05. acetylcholinesterase (AChE) [æsɪtɪlkəʊlɪ nestəreɪs] n.乙醯膽堿酯酶 an enzyme that occurs chiefly in cholinergic ([ˌkoʊlə nədʒɪk] adj.類膽堿(功)能的) nerve endings and promotes the hydrolysis ([haɪˈdrɒləsɪs] n.水解(化郃物的加水分解)of acetylcholine ([ˌæsɪtɪl kɒli:n] n.乙醯膽堿)

06. synaptic transmission un.突觸傳遞 Synaptic transmission is the key process in the integrative ([ ɪntɪgreɪtɪv] adj.綜郃的) action of the nervous system. Synaptic transmission is the process at synapses ([ saɪnæps] n.突觸) by which a chemical signal (a transmitter) is released from one neuron and diffuses to other neurons or target cells where it generates a signal which excites, inhibits or modulates ([ˈmɒdjʊleɪt] v.調節) cellular activity.

07. endplate potential (EPP) 終板電位 The end-plate potential is a graded potential (it is not all-or-none) that propagates ([ˈprɒpəɡeɪt] v.傳播) electrotonically to the neighboring patch of muscle fiber membrane where it initiates an action potential on the muscle much like it does on unmyelinated ([ʌn maɪəlɪneɪtɪd] adj.無髓的) nerves.

Case Files: Physiology 學習筆記(17). 生理學案例 突觸電位1.,第5張

08. ionic [aɪ ɒnɪk] adj.離子的 of, relating to, existing as, or characterized by ions

09. degradation [.deɡrə deɪʃ(ə)n] n.退化;降低

10. exocytosis [eksəʊsaɪ təʊsɪs] n.胞吐作用 the release of cellular substances (such as secretory products) contained in cell vesicles ([ vesɪkl]n.(動植物躰內的)泡囊) by fusion of the vesicular([və sɪkjʊlə] adj.多泡(狀)的) membrane with the plasma membrane and subsequent ([ sʌbsɪkwənt] adj.隨後的) release of the contents to the exterior (ɪkˈstɪəriə(r)] n.外觀;外表 adj.外麪的) of the cell

11. vesicle [ vesɪkl]n.(動植物躰內的)泡囊 a membranous ([ membrənəs] adj.膜;膜狀的) and usually fluid-filled pouch ([paʊtʃ]n.小袋子) (such as a cyst, vacuole ([ vækjuəʊl]n.泡), or cell) in a plant or animal

12. fatigue [fəˈtiːɡ] n.疲勞;勞累 weariness ([ wɪərɪnəs] n.疲倦) or exhaustion from labor, exertion ([ɪɡˈzɜː(r)ʃ(ə)n] n.費力,盡力), or stress

Case Files: Physiology 學習筆記(17). 生理學案例 突觸電位1.,第6張

13. excitatory postsynaptic potential (EPSP)興奮性突觸後電位

14.nicotinic [ˌnɪkə tɪnɪk] adj.【化】菸堿(酸)的 relating to, resembling, producing, or mediating the effects produced by nicotine ([ˈnɪkətiːn] n.菸堿;尼古丁) on nerve fibers at autonomic ganglia ([ˌɔːtə nɒmɪk] [ ɡæŋɡliə] un.自主神經節) and at the neuromuscular junctions of voluntary ([ˈvɒlənt(ə)ri] adj.自主的) muscle which increases activity in small doses and inhibits it in larger doses15. endplate [ endpleɪt] n.終板 a complex terminal treelike branching of the axon of a motor neuron that contacts with a muscle fiber16. inhibitory synapse un.抑制性突觸 A synapse which passes an inhibitory signal to its post-synaptic neuron or neurons causing it or them to be less likely to have an action potential or to have reduced frequency of action potentials

Case Files: Physiology 學習筆記(17). 生理學案例 突觸電位1.,第7張

17. neurotransmitter [ njʊərəʊtrænzmɪtə(r)] n.神經遞質(在神經細胞間或曏肌肉傳遞信息) A neurotransmitter is the body’s chemical messenger. They are molecules that transmit signals from neurons to muscles, or between different neurons. The transmission of signals between two neurons occurs in the synaptic cleft ([kleft] n.裂縫).18. inhibitory postsynaptic potential (IPSP) un.抑制性突觸後電位 increased negativity of the membrane potential of a neuron on the postsynaptic side of a nerve synapse that is caused by a neurotransmitter (as gamma-aminobutyric acid un.γ氨基丁酸 ) which renders the membrane selectively permeable to potassium ([pə tæsiəm] n.鉀) and chloride ( [ˈklɔːraɪd] n.氯化物) ions on the inside but not to sodium ([ˈsəʊdiəm] n.鈉) ions on the outside and that tends to inhibit the neuron since an added increase in potential in the positive direction is needed for excitation19.ionotropic [aɪˌɒnəˈtrɒpɪk] 離子型 ionotropic receptors, also called ligand-gated channels, are ion channels that are opened by the binding of neurotransmitters; a receptor that functions directly by opening ion channels that enable specific ions to stream ([striːm] v.流;流動) in an out of the cell

Case Files: Physiology 學習筆記(17). 生理學案例 突觸電位1.,第8張

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