詞滙 | 常見短語搭配

詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,第1張

lay off  解雇,下崗

They did not sell a single car for a month and had to lay off workers.


詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,圖片,第2張push off 推遲;離開

 Financial activities would simply push off elsewhere.


 I wish she would stop annoying us and push off.


詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,圖片,第2張drop off 中途放下(某人);下降;睡著

 Follow the Chinese Cultural Center parking rules to pick up and drop off children.


 The demand for mobile phones shows no signs of dropping off.


 I drop off and miss the end of the film.


詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,圖片,第2張knock off (sth)   停止(工作);下班

 What time do you knock off work? 你幾點下班?

詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,圖片,第2張boil down to sth (形勢或問題)主要原因在於,歸結爲

 Most of the crimes may boil down to a question of money.


 Most political rows and scandals boil down to oil or gas.


詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,圖片,第2張take-home message  從…中了解到的主要信息

 The take-home message from/of this research is that even small amounts of regular exercise make a huge difference to health.  


詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,圖片,第2張attempt v. n. 嘗試


  ① make an attempt to do sth. 試圖做某事

  ② attempt at n. / v-ing  企圖,努力

  ③ in attempt to do sth. 試圖做某事

  ④ an attempt on sb's life 謀殺(某人的)企圖


  attempt to do sth. 企圖,嘗試做某事

詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,圖片,第2張sb/sth in question 正被談論的…,討論中的…

 The lady in question is not in office now. 所談的那位女士現在沒在辦公室。

詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,圖片,第2張own up 承認,坦白(錯誤)

 No one has owned up to stealing the money. 沒有人承認媮了那筆錢。

 You'd better own up that you were responsible for the traffic accident.


詞滙 | 常見短語搭配,圖片,第2張map sth. out 詳細安排;籌劃

 His future is all mapped out ahead of him. 他的未來全部都事先籌劃好了。

  The department has issued a new document mapping out its policies on education. 政府發佈了一份新文件,詳細闡述了其教育政策。


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