

Religious Architecture of Ancient Chinese Architecture (Taoism)


At present, there are five major religions in China, which are Buddhism, Taoism, Islam, Catholicism and Christianity (mainly Protestantism). Among the five, only Taoism was born in the Chinese soil, which had a profound impact on the politics, economy and culture in ancient times, and was one of the three spiritual pillars of the ruling class.


The Taoist architecture is called earthly paradise. There are so called ten mountains, 36 hills and 72 blessed lands. Among the existing Taoist buildings, the most well-known are the four famous Taoist temples: Baiyun Temple in Beijing, Yongle Palace in Shanxi, Xuanmiao Temple in Nanyang, and Louguan Terrace in Shaanxi.


Among the four famous temples, the most representative one is Baiyun Temple as the ancestral court of the Quanzhen Longmen School of Taoism, locating outside the West Gate of Beijing and enjoying the reputation of the first mountain of Quanzhen . After the founding of New China, the China Taoist Association, the China Taoist Academy and the China Taoist Culture Research Institute and other national organizations in the Taoist field were all set up in Baiyun Temple. Thus, it has a high status in the minds of the vast number of Taoists.


The architectures of Baiyun Temple are divided into the central, east and west roads as well as the backyard, with a grand scale and compact layout. Every Spring Festival, Baiyun Temple will hold a folk temple fair, attracting many crowds and being very lively.


Touching the monkey is an essential step for visitors, especially those who visit the temple fair during the Spring Festival. The stone wall on the gate of Baiyun Temple is carved with clouds, cranes, flowers and other patterns, and its engraving technique is so exquisite and fascinating. There is a palm-size stone monkey hiding in the embossment, which has been touched shiny. There is such a legend in old Beijing: The immortals have no trace, leaving only the stone monkey in the Temple. The stone monkey became the incarnation of the immortals, and visitors to Baiyun Temple would touch it with their hands to ask for good luck. There are three small stone monkeys in total, hidden in different places. If you do not sincerely look for, it is difficult to find them. So, there is a saying You can hardly meet the three monkeys.



The decoration of Taoist buildings clearly reflects the Taoist idea of pursuing good fortune, prolonging life and becoming immortal. Such as depicting the sun, the moon, stars and clouds, as well as mountains, rivers and rocks to imply light and eternal life. Or they use fan, fish, narcissus, bat and deer as representations of good, rich, God, and happiness. Besides, pine and cypress, lucid Ganoderma, turtle, crane, bamboo, lion, kylin and dragon and phoenix can symbolize friendship, longevity, gentleman, auspicious and warding off evil. In addition, the changed shape of some characters with good meanings can be used in the window lattice, door fan skirt board and eaves head Shu column, oblique brace, beam and other architectural components, having great and profound influence on the folk traditional culture. Another example is the picture of Eight treasures and the picture of happiness and longevity. These pictures, which originated from Taoist ideas and fairy stories, have gone far beyond the scope of Taoism and penetrated into various architectural components and daily utensils of thousands of households. As for the Taoist stories of the Eight immortals and the Eight Immortals celebration of longevity and patterns are well known by almost everyone.


Taoist architecture fully embodies the Taoist thought of People live and work according to the earth; The earth changes heat and cold and breeds all things according to the heaven; The heaven moves and arranges time sequences according to the great Dao The great Dao is based on the nature and in line with nature. . It makes quiet with covers of forests, strengthens its power with mountains, or shows its posture with water, forming a unique style that combines natural landscape with architecture.


Taoist architecture occupies a very prominent position in Chinese ancient architecture, which is an important part of Chinese traditional culture. Some important buildings have been listed as national and provincial cultural relics protection units. It has important historical and artistic value for us to deeply study the religious philosophy of ancient China, dissect the deep structure of national traditional culture, and construct a new culture with national characteristics.





