

Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, I'm glad to have the opportunity to give a talk about the subject of environmentalprotection.
As we all know, environmental protection is a global issue, and we should make every effort to protect our planet. With the increase in pollution, global warming, and other environmental challenges, it is our responsibility to take action. To do so, first, we need to raise awareness about the issue. This means educating ourselves and others about the impact our actions have on the environment.
Secondly, we must make changes to our lifestyle. There are many practical things we can do, such as conserving water, reducing energy consumption, recycling, and using eco-friendly products. These steps are small but significant, and every individual's effort is essential in protecting our environment.
Furthermore, governments worldwide can play an essential role in environmental protection. Laws should be set in place to regulate industries and businesses and hold them accountable for their environmental impact. Funding for green energy sources should also be increased, and policies should be made to promote research and development of environmentally friendly technology.
In conclusion, environmental protection is an issue that concerns us all, and we must take action to protect our planet. By raising awareness and making practical changes to our lifestyles and supporting government policies that promote green energy, we can work towards preserving our environment for generations to come.
I hope this talk has been insightful and informative. Thank you for giving me the chance to speak about this vital issue.




