


Test 2
   1. Frequently single-parent children ________ some of the functions that the absent adult in the house would have served.
   A) take after
   B) take on
   C) take off
   D) take in
   2. When I checked my change, I found that I ________ $5 more than I should have paid.
   A) have charged
   B) have been charged
   C) had charged
   D) had been charged
   3. Such ________ the case, there are no grounds to justify your dissatisfaction.
   A) is
   B) be
   C) being
   D) to be
   4. ________ that he realized it was too late to go back home.
   A) Hardly it grew dark
   B) No sooner it grew dark
   C) Scarcely it grew dark
   D) It was no until dark
   5. As soon as the meeting was over, the committee members all went their ________ ways.
   A) perspective
   B) respective
   C) relative
   D) alternative
   6. Smith seldom went swimming in summer, ________.
   A) his brother didn't too
   B) his brother also didn't
   C) so didn't his brother
   D) nor did his brother
   7. Abraham Lincoln devoted his whole life to ________ the liberation of the black people.
   A) caring for
   B) being cared for
   C) care for
   D) be cared for
   8. It is reported that over a third of the population in that area have no ________ to the health service.
   A) approach
   B) access
   C) admission
   D) acquaintance
   9. They expected a living place with water ________ abundant that it could supply their needs forever.
   A) so
   B) such
   C) too
   D) as
   10. John was not his cheerful self because he was ________ by the police with breaking the law.
   A) arrested
   B) accused
   C) sentenced
   D) charged
   11. He studied at a famous college when he was young, ________ contributes to his success in later life.
   A) it
   B) that
   C) which
   D) what
   12. Foreign students find certain structures particularly difficult; ________ , the teacher needs a reliable source of practice material to put these points across effectively.
   A) eventually
   B) inevitably
   C) consequently
   D) consistently
   13. I'd rather you ________ me a new clock instead of having it repaired as you did.
   A) give
   B) gave
   C) have given
   D) had given
   14. There is no point ________ to work out another plan.
   A) to try
   B) in trying
   C) if you try
   D) of trying
   15. American women had been ________ the right to vote until 1920 after many years of hard struggle.
   A) denied
   B) rejected
   C) ignored
   D) neglected
   16. The committee members resented ________ them of the meeting.
   A) the president that he didn't tell
   B) the president that he failed to inform
   C) the president not to inform
   D) the president's not informing
   17. I'd like to ________ the holiday arrangements once more before we leave tomorrow.
   A) go over
   B) go for
   C) go about
   D) go round
   18. The statesman and writer you talked with last week ________ at today's conference.
   A) are present
   B) is present
   C) are attending
   D) is attending
     19. ________ on a clear day, far from the city crowds, the mountain gives you a sense of peace.
   A) Walking
   B) If walking
   C) When you are walking
   D) While walking
   20. We finally managed to ________ the committee's approval of our plan.
   A) secure
   B) require
   C) exert
   D) execute
   21. Nowhere else along the coast ________ such shallow water so far from land.
   A) there is
   B) is there
   C) it is
   D) is it
   22. Dr. Yang is a well-known scientist and, _________ he has won the Nobel Prize.
   A) after all
   B) above all
   C) not at all
   D) in general
   23."My sister will be here tomorrow.""Oh, I thought that she ________ today."
   A) will come
   B) comes
   C) is coming
   D) was coming
   24. Scarcely had he gone out ________ .
   A) that it started to snow
   B) than it started to snow
   C) when it started to snow
   D) and it started to snow
   25. The ________ of the airplane were found in the deep forest.
   A) vessels
   B) tissues
   C) worships
   D) wrecks
   26. As there was no sound evidence against Davis, the judge declared him ________ of the crime.
   A) innocent
   B) guilty
   C) justified
   D) incredible
   27. From what's on his face I gather that he is not keen ________ being in this concert at all.
   A) for
   B) of
   C) in
   D) on
   28. If you suspect that the illness might be serious you should not ________ going to the doctor.
   A) hold back
   B) hold up
   C) put aside
   D) put off
   29. Don't you consider ________ bad manners to be so noisy on such an occasion?
   A) this
   B) that
   C) it
   D) them
   30. The chairman requested that ________ .
   A) the members study the problem more carefully
   B) the members studied the problem more carefully
   C) the problem was more carefully studied
   D) with more carefulness the problem could be studied





