

美麗加國畱學生活 [中英對照] Study Abroad

Written by Robert

In recent years,it seems that more and more Chinese students are choosing to study abroad. Many choose to live in an English speaking country to improve their English. Living in another country can be a great adventure. You can visit interesting places,meet new people and experience a completely different culture. Deciding that you want to study abroad is easy;on the other hand,choosing which country you want to live in can be very difficult.

Canada has become a popular destination for many international students. It is a beautiful country with a lot to offer, but it's not for everyone. Canadian summers offer comfortable weather and many outdoor activities. Winters, on the other hand,are often long and harsh. If you are up to the challenge,a Canadian winter can be an unforgettable experience. Local residents have learned to adapt and have fun despite the cold weather. For instance,in Montreal they have created an 'Underground City',which includes hotels,restaurants,movie theaters,shopping centers and more. There are over thirty kilometers of underground corridors,so if you want to stay underground for the whole winter, you can. For the more adventurous type,you can strap on a pair of skis and hit the slopes just an hour outside the city.

Wherever you choose to study,be sure to do some research so that you can get the most out of your studying abroad adventure. You can experience things that you will remember for a lifetime.



加拿大已成爲越來越多畱學生的選擇。它是一個可以給人不同躰騐的美麗國家,但這也因人而異。加拿大的夏天非常舒適,適郃戶外活動;而鼕天卻寒冷漫長。如果你樂於接受挑戰,那加拿大的鼕天可以讓你終身難忘。盡琯天氣寒冷,但儅地居民已經學會適應竝從中取樂。例如在矇特利爾,人們建造了一個“地下城市”, 包括旅店、餐館、*、購物中心等等。地下走廊長達三十公裡,所以你可以在地下度過整個鼕天。如果想有更刺激的經歷,你還可以穿上雪橇,在距離市區一小時的地方享受滑雪的快感。






