


Lesson 84 An Exciting Enactment 一條令人興奮的法令


  emit vt. 發出,發射

  emotion n. 情緒,強烈的情感

  emotional adj. 情緒的,情感的

  emphasis n. 強調,重點

  emphasize vt. 強調,著重

  enactment n. 設定,定制

  encase vt. 裝入,包住

  enchant vt. 對。。。施魔法,使著迷

  enclose vt. 裝入,裝入封套;圍繞

  enclosure n. 圍繞,圍牆

  encompass vt. 包括,包含

  encounter vt. 遭遇,遭到

  encroach vi. 侵佔,蠶食

  encumber v. 阻礙,妨礙

  encyclopedia n. 百科全書

  endanger vt. 危及,危害

  endeavor vi. 嘗試,努力;n. 努力,盡力

  endless adj. 無止境的

  endow vt. 捐贈,賦予

  endowment n. 稟賦;捐款

  “Why did you emit that scream?” Alice asked. Alice wasn’t the emotional type. She always placed emphasis on being cool.

  “Sorry, I can’t control my emotions.” Rosie said. Rosie came from a rich family and she loved animals. She was particularly

  enchanted with the idea of protecting animals from those who endanger them. Her father had endowed the local veterinary hospital on her behalf. It was a very large endowment. However, today’s news of a recent enactment gave her a bigger reason to scream. “Finally, they passed a law that penalizes private landowners who encroach on protected wildlife areas. This new law will defend animals in an endless number of ways.”

  “You couldn’t have emphasized that point more clearly,” Alice said. Alice knew very little about wildlife conservation except for what she read in her outdated encyclopedia. “If I was the President, I would build a special enclosure to house endangered animals. That way, they wouldn’t have to worry about encountering poachers and other dangerous humans. I would also enclose all of the wildlife areas.”

  “Why not just encase them in plastic?” Rosie said with a giggle. “You don’t really know much about wildlife conservation, do you? I think your entire knowledge of animals is encompassed within that ancient set of encyclopedias. You shouldn’t let those heavy books encumber you. This weekend, why don’t you come with me to see a wildlife area with your own eyes?”

  “Okay,” Alice said. “I know my knowledge of animal life is limited, but why should I endeavor to learn more? I’ll never be the President anyway.”





