


練 習 九
  Directions: For this part, you are allowed thirty minutes to write a composition on the topic Sandstorms. You should write at least 120 words and you should base your composition on the outline (given in Chinese) below:
  1. 目前我國有些地區沙塵暴越來越嚴重
  2. 造成這種現象的原因
  3. 如何解決這一問題
  ①Nowadays, sandstorms are getting more and more serious in the northern parts of China, which has aroused great concern (of the whole nation).
  ②There are many factors that have led to the abnormal climate. To begin with, ③the encroachment of the desert in Inner Mongolia should take the main blame for the storms. Besides, ④the continuous high temperature and little rain in those areas should also be responsible for the frequent occurrence of sandstorms. Last but not least, ⑤human beings should bear partial responsibility for this phenomenon because it is our destruction of vegetation and protective forests that makes the north-wind kick up the loose soil so easily and result in sandstorms.
  ⑥We can resort to various ways to tackle the problem. Firstly, ⑦we should heighten people's awareness of environmental protection. Secondly, ⑧we should make laws to protect our ecological environment. Finally, ⑨we should plant more grass and protective forests to restore the vegetation and prevent sandstorms.
  ⑩With the joint efforts of several generations, I believe we can eventually bring sandstorms under control and restore our ecological environment.





