


練習九 簡短問題廻答
  Directions: In this part there is a short passage with five questions or incomplete statements. Read the passage carefully. Then answer the questions or complete the statements in the fewest possible words (not exceeding 10 words.)
  Learning when and how to pause is a major challenge for most beginning speakers. Even a moment of silence can feel like an eternity. As you gain mire poise and confidence, however, you will discover how useful the pause can be. It can signal the end of a thought unit, give and ideal time to sink in, and lend dramatic impact to a statement."The right word may be effective," said Mark Twain,"but no word was ever as effective as a rightly timed pause."
  As Twain knew, the crucial factor is timing." For one audience," he continued,"the pause will be short, for another a little longer, for another a shade longer still." Looking back on his own career as a speaker, he recalled:"When the pause was right the effect was sure; when the pause was wrong-the laughter was only mild, never a crash."
  Developing a keen sense of timing is partly a matter of common sense, partly a matter of experience. You will not always get your pause just right at first, but keep trying. Listen to accomplished speakers to see how they use pauses to modulate the rate and rhythm of their messages. Work on pauses when you practice on your speeches.
  When you do pause, make sure you pause at he end of thought units and not in the middle. Otherwise, you may distract listeners from your ideas. Most important, do not fill the silence with"uh","er", or"um". These vocalized pauses, as they are called, are always annoying, and they can be devastating. Not only do they create negative perceptions about a speaker's intelligence, but they often make a speaker appear deceptive.
  Questions: (注意:答題盡量簡短,超過10個詞要釦分。每條橫線限寫一個英語單詞,標點符號不佔格。)
  1. How will a rightly-timed pause influence a statement?
  2. What is the most important thing with a pause?
  3. What helps to develop a keen sense of timing?
  4. What result will it be if you pause in the middle of thought units?
  5. Why do the accomplished speakers use pauses?
  1. Lend dramatic impact to it.或:It can lend dramatic impact to it.或:A rightly-timed pause can lend dramatic impact to a statement.
  2. Timing.或:It is timing.或:The most important thing with a pause is timing.
  3. Common sense and experience.或:Common sense and experience develop a keen sense of timing.或: They are common sense and experience.
  4. You may distract listeners from your ideas.
  5. To modulate the rate and rhythm of their messages.或:They do so to modulate the rate and rhythm.或:The use pauses to modulate the rate and rhythm  





