



  16. When I mention the problem, I'm not ______ all of you.
  A. talking about B. referring to C. listening to D. carrying out
  B 考察動詞短語的用法

  17. Your idea seems to be good but it isn't _____.
  A. practical B. possible C. plentiful D. precious
  A 考察形容詞的用法

  18. We were tired and nervous _____ the constant tension.
  A. from B. for C. with D. off
  C 考察介詞的用法

  19. “Which do you want, the red one or the black one?”
  “_____. How about showing me another?”
  A. Either B. Both C. Neither D. None
  C 考察不定代詞的用法

  20. “what makes her so unhappy?”
  “____ one of her favorite books.”
  A. Because she lost B. Because of her losing
  C. She lost D. Her losing
  D 考察動名詞的用法

  21. “I usually sleep with the windows closed at night, even in summer.”
  “You can never be ____ careful.”
  A. very B. much
  C. too D. so
  C 考察副詞的用法

  22. “_____ is your nationality, Miss Green?”
  A. What B. Where
  C. Which D. Who
  A 考察疑問詞的用法

  23. I hope the stove will _____ enough heat to warm the room.
  A. get over B. give in C. get out D. give off
  D 考察詞組固定搭配。

  24.You look tired. Do you ______ a rest?
  A. like having B. feel like having C. like have D. feel like to have
  B 考察詞組固定搭配。

  25. _____ the price is, they are prepared to pay.
  A. However B. whichever C. whatever D. wherever
  C 考察讓步狀語從句及其引導詞

  26. Wait a moment, please. Richard will be back _____.
  A. in no time B. at no time C. at times D. at a time
  A 考察介詞短語

  27 _____ I accept that the plan is not perfect, I do actually like it.
  A. When B. Since C. while C. Unless
  C 考察狀語從句引導詞

  28. She says she'd rather he _____ tomorrow instead of today.
  A. leaves B. left C. leave D. would leave
  D 考察虛擬語氣,would rather後麪賓語從句要用過去時,表示虛擬語氣,此句描述將來。

  29. I don't think Mary understood what you said, _____?
  A. do I B. didn't she C. did you D. did she
  D 考察反意疑問句的用法

  30. You _____ not have seen her yesterday, for she was abroad.
  A. must B. should C. could D. would
  C 情態動詞的用法,表示對過去發生事情可能性的判斷

  31. Alice trusts you; only you can _____ her to give up the foolish idea.
  A. suggest B. attract C. tempt D. persuade
  D 考察動詞用法

  32. The Internet has brought _____ big changes in the way we work.
  A. about B. out C. back D. up
  A 考察動詞短語,bring about表示“帶來”,“産生”

  33. He is a man who is always _____ fault with other people.
  A. putting B. seeking C. finding D. looking for
  B 考察固定搭配

  34. I am sure David will be able to find the library because he has a pretty good _____ of direction.
  A. idea B. feeling C. experience D. sense
  D 考察固定搭配

  35. They started off late and got to the airport with minutes to _____.
  A. spare B. catch C. leave D. make
  A 考察動詞的用法

  36. The evening news comes on at seven o'clock and _____ only thirty minutes.
  A. keeps B. continues C. finishes D. lasts
  D 考察動詞的用法

  37. The factory had to _____ a number of employees because of the economic crisis in the country.
  A. lay out B. lay off C. lay aside D. lay down
  B 考察動詞短語的用法

  38. People may have different opinions about Karen, but I admire her. _____, she is a great musician.
  A. After all B. As a result C. In other words D. As usual
  A 考察介詞短語的用法

  39. They had a pleasant chat _____ a cup of coffee.
  A. for B. with C. during D. over
  D 考察介詞的用法

  40. Was it in 1969 _____ the American astronaut succeed _____ landing on the moon?
  A. when; on B. that; on C. which; in D that; in
  D 考察強調句和動詞短語的用法

  41. The comments which he made _____ marketing bothered his boss greatly.
  A. being concerned B. concerned C. be concerned D. concerning
  D 考察介詞的用法

  42. The news reporters hurried to the airport, only _____ the film stars had left.
  A. to tell B. to be told C. telling D. told
  B 考察不定式做結果狀語時的用法

  43. Mrs. White became a teacher in 1985. She _____ for twenty years by next summer.
  A. will teach B. would have taught C. has been teaching D. will have been teaching
  D 考察將來完成時

  44. After the new technique was introduced, the factory produced _____ cars in 2002 as the year before.
  A. as many twice B. as twice many C. twice many as D. twice as many
  D 考察倍數的表達方法

  45. There were dirty marks on her trousers _____ she had wiped her hands.
  A. where B. when C. that D. what
  A 考察定語引導詞





