


上一期擧了十五個名詞組和五個形容詞組。這裡要擧出11 個動詞組及11個副詞組,如下:

  ● Chop and change: 變化無常
  “Our boss is fickle, chopping and changing so much.”

  ● Make or break:可以成功或失敗
  “What book reviewers say may sometimes make or break a new publication.”

  ● Do or die:不是成功便是失敗死亡
  “All must forge ahead and fight to a finish! Do or die, you know!”

  ● Hum and haw: 躊躇
  “when I asked James about his future plan, he just hummed and hawed.”

  ● Rant and rave: 大聲責怪
  “The two hawkers pointed at each other, ranting and raving non- stop.”

  ● Sink or swim: 不論好歹
  “Sink or swim, you have to go to the job interview to try your luck.”

  ● Toss and turn: 輾轉難眠
  “As something important was on her mind, Janet tossed and turned for a long time before falling asleep.”

  ● Wait and see: 耐心等待
  “It is too early to say whether the new political system will work; we will just have to wait and see.”

  ● Wine and dine : 喫喫喝喝
  “After a day's hard work, the construction workers wined and dined at a coffee shop.”

  ● Scrimp and scrape: 盡量節省
  “The couple bought an apartment at a high price and had to scrimp and scrape for the next 20 years.”

  ● Bow and scrape: 打躬作揖
  “It is right to be polite to your superior, but it is wrong, and even contemptible, to bow and scrape to him or her.”

  ●As and when:儅
  “Newsletters will be posted to all members as and when they are ready.”

  ● By and large: 大躰上
  “Though our govern-ment has not performed remarkably well, by and large, it is a good year for all of us.”

  ● In and out: 進進出出
  “Jane should have something urgent to see her boss, as she has been in and out looking for him.”

  ● More or less: 或多或少;差不多
  “Such an explanation has more or less dispelled the staff's misgivings.”

  ● Now and then: 偶爾
  “I go to book shops now and then, not as often as I used to.”

  ● On and off : 斷斷續續地
  “As a student, you must read regularly, not on and off.”

  ● To and fro: 來來往往地
  “What happens to that stranger? He has been walking to and fro along the corridor for hours.”

  ● Up and about: 恢複健康
  “After a few days' recuperation, Henry looks good and is up and about again.”

  ● By and by: 不久之後
  “When I first learned English vocabulary, I remembered a few words every day. By and by, the number of words and expressions increased very rapidly.”

  ● Little by little: 漸漸地
  “As long as we work hard, we will make progress little by little.”

  ● Through and through: 從頭到尾地;徹底
  “Some pupils were caught in the rain and got drenched through and through.”





