英語講義【26】beside 和besides 通用嗎?

英語講義【26】beside 和besides 通用嗎?,第1張

英語講義【26】beside 和besides 通用嗎?,第2張


  ① He walks to school every day.
  ② Mary gets up early every morning.
  ③ That woman often talks loudly.

  除了把單數名詞變成複數名詞以及表示單數第三人稱之外,“s ”還出現在某些單字上,使它和沒有“s”的字呈現出兩個不同語義:“beside”和“besides”便是個好例子。

  “Beside”是“在……旁邊”的意思:“besides”是“除此之外”的意思。兩者都是介詞,但後者也是個副詞。有些人把這兩個字等同起來,互相對換,這是大錯特錯的;因此,④和⑤不對,要改爲 ⑥和⑦。

  ④ Susan is sitting besides me.
  ⑤ Beside dancing, the children also sang.
  ⑥ Susan is sitting beside me.
  ⑦ Besides dancing, the children also sang.


  ⑧ Some people prefer living beside the sea.
  ⑨ The small boy is standing beside his mother.


  ⑩ Besides being a diligent student, Peter is also a good athlete.
  11. I have written some other books on language learning besides this one.


  12. I like reading; besides, I also like writing.
  13. He sings pop songs. Besides, he also listens to classical music.



  ⑿(a) I like reading and writing.
  (b) I like reading as well as writing.
  (c) I like both reading and writing.
  (d) I like not only reading but also writing.
  (e) Besides reading, I also like writing.

  ⒀(a) He sings pop songs and listens to classical music.
  (b) He sings pop songs as well as listening to classical music.
  (c) He not only sings pop songs but also listens to classical music.
  (d) Besides singing pop songs, he also listens to classical music.
  (e) He listens to classical music in addition to singing pop songs.


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