實用英語寫作技巧之二十四 如何用比較與對照法推展篇章

實用英語寫作技巧之二十四 如何用比較與對照法推展篇章,第1張

實用英語寫作技巧之二十四 如何用比較與對照法推展篇章,第2張

24.1 Comparison and Contrast(比較與對照)

  Often we may want to describe several aspects of two subjects that have both similarities and differences.When we compare two things,we show how they are similar;when we contrast two things,we show how they are different.We may compare or contrast two schools,two cars,two friends,two jobs,two cities,etc.。For this purpose,we may employ the combined techniques of comparison and contrast.In writing the essay,you should always bear two important decisions in mind:①Whether you are to do a comparison,a contrast,or a mixture,or②Whether you are to use an item-to-item(逐事比較)or point-to-point(逐點比較)method of development(both have been explained and illustrated in Unit14)

  Model Essay 24-1

  Shanghai and New York are two of the biggest cities in the world.They are different in some ways,but they are similar in some other ways.

  Shanghai is one of the most densely populated cities in Asia,and New York is one of the most densely populated cities in North America.The population of Shanghai is homogenous,but thepopulation of New York is heterogeneous.The people in Shanghai speak Chinese;the people in New York speak English instead.The cost of living in Shanghai is generally low in comparison with that in New York.While the people in Shanghai take buses or ride bikes to go to work,the people in New York drive cars or take subways to get to work.The people in Shanghai use fans to keep cool,where as the people in New York use air-conditioning.

  Both Shanghai and New York are cities of great wealth and poverty.In both cities,there is a great deal of beauty and a great deal of ugliness.Many people in Shanghai are as kind and helpful as those in New York.Conversely,some people in Shanghai are as dangerous as those in New York.In both cities,there are people who work all day and people who work all night.Both cities are never asleep.

  To some visitors,both Shanghai and New York are a paradise and a jungle.

  24.2 Analysis of the Model Essay(範文分析)

  From the above point-to-point essay,we can see that the similarities and differences of Shanghai and New York are as follows:


  a.population(homogeneous S

  (heterogeneous NY

  b.language (Chinese S

  (English NY

  C.cost of living(low S

  (high NY

  d.transportation(buses and bikes S

  (cars and subways NY

  e.cooling appliances(fans S

  (air-conditioning NY


  a.both are most densely populated

  b.both are cities of great wealth and poverty

  c.both are beautiful and ugly

  d.both have kind and helpful people and dangerous people

  e.both are never asleep

  通過以上比較和對照法的結郃使用,作者巧妙地將與主題有關的五個異同點聯系在一起,交替進行逐點比較、對照,這使得讀者從始至終能夠把握比較與對照的線索。而且,作者又在比較與對照的結搆上霛活地安排了次序,使對比既鮮明突出,又富有變化;作者還通過不同的連接手段,如竝列連詞“and,both,as…as”,與轉折連詞“but,instead,while,whereas,in comparision with”等,使得比較與對照自然流暢,前後連貫。

  Writing Assignment for Unit 24

  Directions:Write a 3-paragraph essay about the similarities and differences between Tom and Jack by using the outline given below.Don't forget to use some of the Comparative and Contrastive words or phrases given in Unit 35.

  Tom and Jack are twin brothers.They are similar in some ways;but the ways they spend their own freetime,make decisions and deal with problems are very different.


  2)eating habits


  Differences:1)ways of spending free time

  2)ways of making decisions

  3)ways of dealing with problems



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