


The August Moon



  The Moon Festival, always celebrated on August 15 of the lunar calendar, is one of the most traditional of Chinese holiday. It is several hundred years old and many beautiful tales about it have been handed down from generation to generation. On this day we eat a special kind of pastry called"Moon Cake"——it represents the moon and also means family reunion. It has long been a practice in our family to get together for a small moonlight party at the New Park on the evening of August 15. Cousins and some friends sometimes join us. Sitting or lying on the soft grass, some of us chat happily and others listen to music. And amidst shouts and laughter of children chasing around excitedly, I sit quietly at a corner watching the bright, beautiful moon.


  I liked the Autumn Festival very much when I was a small girl, because I was with my family then. On the evening of August 15 of the lunar calendar, when the moon was brightest, we always sat together outside in our yard to eat moon cakes——eaten only on this occasion——and enjoy the beautiful moonlight. Mother would then tell me the story of the moon fairy Chang-o, who lived in a palace on the moon, with a jade rabbit for companion. I always imagined that I was the moon fairy whenever I heard the story. When I grew older, however, I was compelled to leave home for education in the city. And now I am living alone away from home. The August moon only serves to remind me of the lost happy days I had with my family in the country.





