二十一世紀:報紙vs. 互聯網

二十一世紀:報紙vs. 互聯網,第1張

二十一世紀:報紙vs. 互聯網,第2張

The advent of mass printing in the lbth century has once brought about magnificent influence to the world both socially and politically. A piece of newspaper in hand, one could be in formed of what was happening around the world even without having to get out of his armchair. Nowadays, however, the role of newspaper is being seriously challenged by the booming IT industry or world wide web, satellites, optic-cables, to name just a few. As a matter of fact, In today's world where nearly every thing starts with an"e", newspaper will be replaced by other computer based means.

  First of all, newspaper can never match internet in its speed. Actually, information of any kind can be transported digitally at up to 300,000,000 meters per second. In a world of efficiency, newspaper can be defeated for this reason solely.

  Besides, with internet, information can be transmitted 3 dimentional, which consists of sound, live show and even interaction. Whereas in the paper, only words and photographs could be presented in news stories. Therefore, the former has been made more vivid and descriptive.

  Last but not least, computerizing the process of information dissemination provides us with a more objective and state-of-the art point of view. Through internet, we can obtain every detail we might want to know, which was sometimes unrevealed by newspapers for this or that reason. Obviously, the more accurate the facts are, the more easily an objective opinion can be formed.

  In conclusion, though newspaper is still regarded as indispensable for our daily routines,it cannot match internet in many aspects.

  簡 評


  另一個值得注意的是,在不足30個句子的短文中出現了10処被動句,作者的用意應該是十分明顯的。如開篇以竝列形式出現的"the role Of newspapers is being seriously challenged","newspaper will be replaced by other computer based means''表現了傳統報紙的岌岌可危和將被取而代之的緊迫形式。這一立場在文中的其他部分得到了更一步的強化,頗有大勢所趨,又無可奈何的悲壯。

  應該說,作者對句式的多樣化比較注意,把握得較好。文中有"the more.……the more.……",也運用了圓周句即把主要信息置於句首,也運用了掉尾句即把句子的主要信息置於句尾,如"As a mater of bet,in today,s world where nearly everything starts with an 'e',newspaper will be replaced by other computer based means".

  文中有一処引用了數據"300,000,000",而不是用"threehundred million"從而顯示了網絡信息傳輸速度是爲報紙所不可企及的。作者運用數據來增強文章和論點說服力的這一意識和做法,是值得肯定的。


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