

personality Appearance Intelligence Job/Future

  Person A * * * * * * * * * * * *

  Person B * * * * * * * * * * * * *

  Person C * * * * * * * * * * * *

  Directions: The chart indicates some of the characteristics of three people of approximately your age. Which of them would you prefer as a partner in life, as husband, wife, or closest friend? Explain your reason for your choice. If I were to choose one person from the three people in the chart, to be my partner in life, I would choose A. This is because of his characteristics which I think will suit my characteristics.

  His personality attracted me most when I was considering this question. Since I myself am of an amiable character, I find that I always enjoy the company of friendly persons. A's pleasant appearance also attracts me which is a fact I can't deny. I would like my husband to be, though probably not extremely attractive, at least good-looking. Beside, I like a person of average intelligence because I am of average intelligence myself and I think my days will be more enjoyable if both of us are at the same intelligent level. One word more, he has a good job and a fine future, which certainly play an important part in our happiness.

  Therefore, I will choose person A to be my partner in life because I think that his overall condition goes with mine and that I will be happy sharing my life with this person.





