




  A Special Show


  Though we meet every day in the school and study together , we know little about what our classmates do in their free time. In order to make us understand each other better, our class held a special show of our spare-time hobbies on May 21. We named the show “Spring's Call”。

  Everyone in our class took great interest in this show. We brought things made or collected by ourselves to the school. There were lots of pictures, such as watercolour paintings, traditional Chinese paintings and sketches①。 Some of them were so well-done② that people in the painting looked like real. There were works of penmanship③ and stamps, too. The beautiful stamps attracting our attention were from the U.S.A, Great Britain, Canada, Egypt and many other countries. The handiworks④on show were very exquisite⑤。 We were all attracted by some small ancient Chinese weapons, such as swords, broadswords⑥。Two of them just like the broadswords used by Zhang Fei and Guan Yu, the senior generals in the Three Kingdoms. All these weapons were made of thick wire. They were praised by every visitor.

  Through the show, we have known the strong points of others, especially we have seen something new and wonderful. We all hope we can hold another show in the near future.



  ①sketch [sketM] n.速寫,素描

  ②well-done['wel'd)n] a.乾得好;做得好

  ③penmanship['penm nMip] n.書法;書寫

  ④handiwork ['h$ndiw :k] n.手工;手工制品


  ⑥broadsword['br&:ds&:d] n.大刀


  本文是典型的三段式作文。第一段是引言段,作者用反轉法(turnabout)引入篇題“our class held a special show”。第二段是擴充段,第一句是主題句,接下來的支撐部分(support)分爲兩個層次:“lots of pictures”和“works of penmanship and stamps”,都是用擧例法來展開主題的,有的用了“such as”啣接詞,有的沒用(如:from the U.S. A, Great Britain…)。第三段是結尾段,用縂結全文,提出希望的方法結束文章。





