Telephone— A Popular Means of Communications in Ch

Telephone— A Popular Means of Communications in Ch,第1張

Telephone— A Popular Means of Communications in Ch,第2張

Years of reform and opening up to the outside world have witnessed an increasing popularity of telephones in China. Telephones have entered ordinary households as a daily necessity. In many public places telephone service is available. More people are equipped with cellular phones(手機) and beepers(傳呼機)。

  Telephones reach out to users for their advantages, Dial-and talk operation makes common folks have access to them. Compared with letter writing, telegraphy and other means of communications (通訊), making phone call is easy and interactive(互動的)。 In case of emergency, urgent message can be sent out immediately.

  Telephones are indispensable (不可缺少的) to communication (交際,溝通) between people. As a clear path of communications, making phone calls connects people when they are apart. Telephone lines not only convey information but also glue all relationships. With this convenient tool of modern communication, people may be out of sight, but never out of mind.

  核心剖析 此命題作文衹給出英文標題和中文提綱,對文章躰裁沒有明確的槼定。但從題目的主旨看,本題圍繞“電話在中國是一種普及的通訊工具”展開討論,躰裁選用議論文,使表達功能得以充分發揮。


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