The Modernization of China 中國的現代化

The Modernization of China 中國的現代化,第1張

The Modernization of China 中國的現代化,第2張


  1. 現代化將給中國人民帶來了許多好処。

  2. 現代化帶來的一些問題。

  3. 如何解決這些問題。

  Modernization will bring a number of benefits to the Chinese people. Advances in science and technology will resnlt in better industrial and consumer products. New roads, tracks and trains will improve transportation for both people and goods. With new health care methods people will live happier and longer.

  However, modernization also gives rise to a number of new problems. Pollution of the air, land, and water has become a serious problem in many parts of China. An increase in vehicles on the roads has also caused more traffic accidents with more injuries and deaths.

  We can, however, deal with these problems if we are careful. We can train many environmental scientists who can help factories operate cleanly. We can pass new laws to regulate our traffic more safely. Finally, we must improve cur education system to prepare better educated people for tomorrow.


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