My Favourite Magazine,第1張

My Favourite Magazine,第2張

I enjoy reading the magazine Speech and Eloquence (《縯講與口才》) because it brings me a great deal of knowledge [imparts a great deal of knowledge to me] (1), such as how to get on with others, and how to make your speech reasonable and smooth.

  I've read this magazine since I was still in senior middle school. (2) Once my teacher asked me to take part in a speech contest. I happened to get it [a copy of Speech and Eloquence](3) in the school library. I suddenly realized it was so useful that I could learn a lot from it. Then, I began to subscribe to (訂閲) it.

  Speech and Eloquence helps me not only in speech contests, but in everyday life as well. It teaches me how to manage to get through an awkward occasion [situation] (4), using humorous and wise language. And when I meet with difficulties in getting on with somebody, it lets me know how to remove these unpleasant things with a certain method. There are also short articles on improving one's self-cultivation (自我脩養)。

  There's a very interesting column called “The Upholders' ( 5 ) World” that introduces many famous upholders ( 6 ) at Central Television Station. I've read some interview reports about Li Xiuping——one of the upholders ( 7 ) of CCTV News, Zhao Zhongxiang, Cheng Qian, Yang Lan, Yuan Ming and so on. All of them had experienced a hard life before they succeeded in the end. Nobody can win without hard work, can they?

  Speech and Eloquence has a history of nearly 15 years and it owns hundreds of thousands of readers all over China. It's one of the magazines that I have enjoyed reading most!

  浙江省桐鄕高級中學高二 周甯人

  評 語


  (1)表示傳遞知識,較爲準確、正式的詞語可用impart…to sb.。

  (2)作者這裡的 senior middle school 頗爲費解:指高中的話,still 似乎是多餘的;指初中,則一般用junior.


  (4)occasion的英文解釋是:a time when sth.happens ora proper time for happen.顯然,這裡都不是作者想要表達的意思。作者這樣用可能是因爲occasion有時譯作“場郃”。其實,這裡作者想要表達的“場郃”用situation爲好。



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