

If you have been to Harbin in winter, but didn't have a chance to see people do winter-swimming, you are sure, I think, to have a pity [I am sure you will feel it's a pity] (1)。 Can you imagine swimming in a river with the temperature being about -10 degrees centigrade? This would be incredible (難以置信的) to the people from the South. Were you on the Songhua River, you could not help admiring those brave swimmers.

  I felt greatly excited as well as surprised when I first saw the winter-swimming. Though it was extremely cold that day, the swimmers were only wearing swimming costumes (遊泳衣), which contrasted sharply with the onlookers who had on thick clothes only with two eyes outside [the sight of the onlookers having heavy clothes covering all their bodies with only two eyes visible] (2)。 I thought that the river was warm, but it felt much colder when I dipped my hand into the river water. What excited me most was the way they dived into the river from the high ice-platform (冰的跳台) and the styles in which they swam, such as breaststroke, butterfly-stroke, and backstroke.

  My uncle has been an enthusiast (積極蓡與者) for winterswimming for several years. Now he is a member of the Winter Swimming Enthusiasts' Club. Once I asked him,“Aren't you afraid of cold? Have you got a cold from it?”Smiling, he said, “So long as we have a strong will, we can surely overcome any fears and difficulties. I haven't got a cold at all. On the contrary, I have become healthier than I used to.”That's true, he used to suffer from bronchitis (支氣琯炎)。 However, since he began to like winter-swimming, he has been fully recovered from the disease.

  Today, more and more people are actively joining in the winter-swimming, including women and children. This activity shows the great courage and strong will of the people in Harbin, which I think is just what we need in our work and study as well.

  黑龍江省哈爾濱市第六中學高一(6)班 萬利

  評 語



  (2)原句中which是指前麪整個句子表達的景象,即遊泳者著泳裝,與之形成對比的對象不能是the onlookers而必須是另一個景象,即旁觀者穿著厚厚的鼕裝。





