Help in Real Need,第1張

Help in Real Need,第2張

We had a cow. Last summer I spent my holidays at home [when I spent my holidays at home ] (1) , Father told me to take good care of it. I liked the cow very much and fed it with sweet grass.

  One morning, I let the cow stand beside the river, tying it to a tree [keeping it tied to a tree ] (2)。 Then I went away to cut grass.

  When I came back, I was surprised to find that the cow was in the mud. There was only a little water in the river. Now the cow's foolish [clumsy ] ( 3 ) and fat body made its legs [ sink ] (4) deep in the mud. It could do nothing but turn its head from side to side and let out its heavy voice[mooed pitifully] ( 5 ) to me. How could I help it out? Without second thought [Without delay] ( 6 ) I went to pull the rope, but the cow is [was] ( 7 ) too heavy. Then I tried to clean the mud around its legs. There were [was] (8) too much mud. No doubt, I failed again.

  The sun was high in the sky now. The cow cried a little now and a little then [lowed now and then] (9) as if it was [were](10) asking me to help it quickly out of the trouble. I stared at it and thought hard. I did all I could. But all I did was useless to the cow. [but in vain.] (11)

  I really had no idea then. [I was at the end of my tether.] (12)I thought I should turn to Father for help.

  Before I left, I fetched a pile of grass I had cut to feed the cow. Just as I was about to throw the grass to it, he [the cow] (13) saw the grass and jumped coming out of the mud! It was an astonishing success. The cow must have been hungry. What it needed most was food. It ate up all the grass I had cut.

  From the experience I learned something useful——only to give what it badly needs [is badly needed] (14) means real help.

  上海市青浦縣硃家角中學 肖春莉

  評 語



  (2)tying it to a tree作爲分詞伴隨情況狀語表示的是一個動態的動作,但是根據上下文這裡應該用 keeping it tied to a tree表示靜止的狀態。

  (3)foolish 是愚笨的“笨”,不是笨重的“笨”,應該用clumsy.

  (4)原文漏掉不定式 sink(陷沉),句子結搆欠完整。

  (5)voice 一般指人的嗓音,牛叫可用moo, low或 bellow.

  (6)second thought 指重新考慮,常常用在 on second thoughts 或 have second thoughts 等習語中。原文 thought 錯用了單數,況且根據上下文也用錯了意思。作者大概想表達“不容細想”、“沒有遲疑”。


  (9)牛叫一般也不用 cry,原句時間狀語用得也有些別扭。


  (11)原句較唆,改爲but in vain更好,但要把前麪句號改爲逗號。

  (12)原句語義不明確。表示一個人“山窮水盡,毫無辦法”可以用 at the end of one's tether/rope.


  (14)通過一事學到的經騐,應該是有普遍的指導意義。因此把原句改爲泛指的被動態比特指 it(the cow)的需要來得好。


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