花季物語 Questions:我對生活的所有睏惑

花季物語 Questions:我對生活的所有睏惑,第1張

花季物語 Questions:我對生活的所有睏惑,第2張

During my junior year in high school, Mr. Reynolds, my English teacher, handed each student a list of thoughts or statements written by other students, then gave us a creative writing assignment based on one of those thoughts.


At 17, I was beginning to wonder about many things, so I chose the statement,"I wonder why things are the way they are?" That night, I wrote down in the form of a story all the questions that puzzled me about life. I realized that many of them were hard to answer, and perhaps others could not be answered at all.

17嵗的我對很多事情都非常疑惑不解。所以我選擇了"我不明白爲什麽事物都是現在這個樣子?" 作爲題目。那天晚上,我以故事的形式寫下了我對生活的所有睏惑。我知道很多問題很難廻答,或許有些問題根本找不到答案。

When I turned in my paper, I was afraid that I might fail the assignment because I had not answered the question,"I wonder why things are the way they are?" I had no answers. I had only written questions.


The next day Mr. Reynolds called me to the front of the class and asked me to read my story for the other students. He handed me my paper and sat down in the back of the room. The class became quiet as I began to read my story:


Mommie, Daddy……Why?


Mommie, why are the roses red?


Mommie, why is the grass green and the sky blue?


Why does a spider have a web and not a house?


Daddy, why can't I play in your toolbox?


Teacher, why do I have to read?


Mother, why can't I wear lipstick to the dance?


“What grandma wants is for some guy to break my heart again,” I snapped, angry that my mother had said anything about this to my daughter.

“But Mom.”

“You‘re too young to understand,” I told her.

She was quiet for the next few minutes. Then she looked up and in a small voice gave me something to think about.

“So I guess love isn‘t like a broken arm.”

Unable to answer, we walked the rest of the way in silence. When I got home, I called my mother and scolded her for talking about this to my daughter. Then I did what I‘d seen my brave little girl do that very afternoon. I let go and agreed to meet Steve.

Steve was the man for me. We married less than a year later. It turned out mother and my daughter were right.













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