範文:The value of Friends

範文:The value of Friends,第1張

範文:The value of Friends,第2張




  Thevalue of Friends

  When you are lonely, do you  like to have someone to cheer you up? When you are in trouble, do you like to have somebody to consult with and to help you out? When you are interested in something, do you like someone to enjoy it with you?

  These and many other similar questions may be asked. The answers will always be“yes ”, and the persons desired are friends.

  Doctors can cure out diseases with medicine, but who can release us from mental suffering if we have no friends? In most cases, it is a friend who can make you happy. A good friend shares your troubles, and he helps you solve your difficult problems that you may encounter.



  Should old acqueitances be forgetten?(舊日朋友豈能相忘。)


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