範文:Fast Food,第1張

範文:Fast Food,第2張


  題目:FastFood .目前中國有兩種快餐:中式快餐和西式快餐。這兩種快餐相互競爭。中國的西式快餐,興起晚但勢力強。麥儅勞(MacDonald),肯德基 (KFC)和比薩餅 (Pizza Hut)等。中式快餐更適郃中國人口味,但往往琯理不善。對此現狀,請寫一短文進行說明。


  Fast Food

  There are at present two kinds of fast food in China: Chinese fast food and western fast food.

  There are many kinds of western fast food , such as MacDonald, KFC and Pizza Hut . Western fast food industry has a longer history and more advanced management than Chinese fast food, It is especially popular among young people.

  But at the same time , it also produces some negative effects on Chinese culture and tradition.

  Chinese fast food suits Chinese people's taste better and finds support among all age groups. But much of the Chinese fast food industry is not well managed and needs to be improved.




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