Real English:Perk,第1張

Real English:Perk,第2張

Perk 額外的福利


The script of this programme 本節目台詞

Helen: Hello, welcome to Real English from BBC Learning English. I'm Helen. Zoe: 你好,我是劉佳。

Helen: Today we're going to look at words and phrases that have recently become part of the English language.

Zoe: 地道英語將會帶給大家一些英語中最新的流行詞滙和新用法。

Helen: So, keep up-to-date with us.

Zoe: Helen, 快來告訴我們今天要學的新詞是什麽吧。

Helen: Today's new word is 'perk' – P.E.R.K. – perk.

Zoe: Perk. 這個詞的意思是……?

Helen: A perk is something you receive outside your salary for doing a job.

Zoe: 這個詞的意思就是自己正常工資以外的收入。來給我們擧個例子吧, Helen.

Helen: Of course. Nowadays, many jobs offer extra benefits – perks – to employees.

Zoe: 現在,一份工作除了正常工資以外,還有很多很多的福利給人工。

Helen: They might be free health insurance, a car, or free schools for the employee's children.

Zoe: 所以perks就包括免費的健康保險,一輛汽車,或者是讓員工的孩子們免費上學。

Helen: Yes, those are very good perks.


A: I don't know why you keep working there. The salary is horrible.

B: Yes, but the perks are great. I get free lunches, a car and 2 months holiday every year.

C: Are there a lot of perks in your job?

D: Well, not really, although I do get to travel a lot to interesting places, and I don't have to be in the office till 10 in the morning.

Zoe: So, what perks would you like, Helen?

Helen: Well, a company car would be great. I'd also like more holidays.

Zoe: Me too. But do you get many perks with your job now?

Helen: A few…… I get to work with you, of course!

Zoe: Well thank you. That's my best perk too!

Helen: Let's recap – perk is……

Zoe: 是一個俚語,就是說那種除了工資以外的福利。

Helen: Well, it looks like we need to finish here. Join us again soon for more up-to-the-minute Real English. Bye for now.

Zoe: See you next time.


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