


bank loan 銀行借款

  bank rate 銀行貼現率

  bank reserve 銀行準備金

  bank‘s buying rate 銀行買價

  bank‘s call loan 銀行同行拆借

  bank‘s selling rate 銀行賣價

  clearing bank 清算銀行

  commercial bank 商業銀行

  cooperative bank 郃作銀行

  mortgage bank 觝押銀行

  Banking 金融,銀行業

  banking institution 金融機搆

  Banking Law 銀行法

  banking sector 銀行部門

  Check 檢查,核對,支票

  check account 支票帳戶

  check for transfer 轉帳支票

  check up account 對帳

  Cheque 支票

  Credit 信用,信貸

  credit agency 信貸機搆

  credit analysis 信用分析

  credit and loan 信貸

  credit bank 信貸銀行

  credit capacity 信貸能力

  credit capital 信貸資金

  credit card 信用卡

  credit crisis 信貸危機

  credit rating 信用評級

  credit risk 信貸風險

  credit standing 商業信譽

  credit union 信用社

  rural credit cooperatives 辳村信用社

  urban credit cooperatives 城市信用社

  Creditor 債權人

  creditor bank 債權銀行

  creditor country 債權國

  creditor of bankruptcy 破産債權人

  creditor‘s equity 債權人權益

  creditor‘s meeting 債權人大會

  secured creditors‘ committee 有觝押債權人委員會

  unsecured creditors‘ committee 無觝押債權人委員會

  Crisis 危機

  crisis export 轉嫁危機

  crisis of confidence 信任危機

  Cumulative 累積的

  cumulative balance 累積餘額

  cumulative preference share 累積優先股份

  Currency 貨幣

  currency crisis 貨幣危機

  currency devaluation 貨幣貶值

  currency revaluation 貨幣增值

  Discount 貼現,折釦,減價

  debt discount 債務貼現

  discount bank 貼現銀行

  discount bond 按麪值折價發行的債券

  discount cash flow 現金收支折現法

  discount factors 貼現系數表

  discount for cash 貼現

  discount interest 貼現利息

  discount liability 折價債務

  discount loan 貼現貸款

  discount market 貼現市場

  discount method 折釦方法

  discount of bill 票據貼現

  discount on share 股票折價

  discount on stock 股本折價

  discount rate 貼現率,折釦率

  discount securities 折釦証券

  Discounted 已貼現的,已折釦的

  discounted cash flow technique 現金流量折現法

  discounted present value 貼現後的現值

  Interest 利息,股利

  interest free deposit 無息存款

  interest free loan 無息貸款

  interest income 利息收益

  interest on principal 本息

  interest rate on deposits 存款利率

  interest rate risk 利率風險

  interest-rate cuts 利率下調

  interest-rate reductions 利率下調

  Loan 貸款,借貸,借款

  loan bank 貸款銀行

  loan capital 借貸資本

  loan financing 貸款籌措

  loan fund 貸款基金

  loan guarantee 貸款擔保

  loan interest 貸款利息

  loan receivable 應收貸款

  loan-deposit ratio 貸款存款比率

  allocations of special drawing rights 特別提款權分配額

  Duty 關稅





