China English 具有中國特點的英語

China English 具有中國特點的英語,第1張

China English 具有中國特點的英語,第2張

1980年,葛傳椝先生就提出了“中國英語”的概唸。他說:“在舊中國和新中國,講或寫英語時都有些我國所特有的東西要表達。如科擧(imperial examinations)、翰林院(Hanlinyuan 或 Imperial Academy)、五四運動(May Fourth Movement)、賽先生(Mr. Science)、德先生(Mr. Democracy)、白話文(baihua wen 或 baihua)這些不屬於講英語民族的人所慣用的詞語,應儅稱作 ChinaEnglish.”這個提法肯定了中國英語現象。



001. How do I address you?

002. May I have your venerable age?

003. Where have you been earning your fortune lately?

004. What are you up to lately?

005. Have you had your dinner?

006. What brings you here today?

007. What honorable business brings you here?

008. What's your animal in the 12 Earthly Branches?

009. Are you going to sweep the tomb?

010. Where are you going to pay a New Year call?

011. Would you like another round?

012. Feel better?

013. What are you sore about recently?

014. Do you think she is my type?

015. Don't blame me for not reminding you then.

016. Do be careful in your outward time.

017. Look out!

018. Don't count on me.

019. Be sure to remember it next time.

020. Behave yourself.

021. Don't try any tricks!

022. Don't fall for it!

023. Please look out when the bus pulls in!

024. May you be prosperous!

025. Cheers!

026. Can I take a rain check!

027. I am sorry to have bothered you too much!

028. Thank you very much for your time.

029. Fancy meeting you here!

030. I have heard so much about you.

031. You are flattering me!

032. You shouldn't have gone to such expense.

033. Now you can enjoy a life free from worries and cares.

034. Pardon me for not seeing you off!

035. A good guy always enjoys Heaven's protection.

036. I wish you good health and the very best of luck in everything in the New Year.

037. May your fortune be as boundless as the East Sea and may you live a long and happy life!

038. Have fun!

039. Good luck!

040. Congratulations!

041. After you.

042. It's not worth your mentioning.

043. We're all friends. No need for unpleasantness.

044. Health comes first.

045. Don't be obsessed by it.

046. Children will naturally have their own blessings. You should look on the bright side of things.

047. You needn't worry about it at all.

048. You must have a tiring journey.

049. Well done. You've got a hard job!

050. You are something great to be a boss!

051. How cute she/he is!

052. It is hard to find such a wonderful son-in-law!

053. That girl is in terrific shape!

054. It's said that you can hold your liquor.

055. He shows filial obedience to his parents!

056. You have good taste in your clothes.

057. Where can such an outstanding woman be found?!

058. I didn't know you are such a good cook.

059. She is a pearl among women! She keeps housework and business in balance!

060. He is an easy-going person and never puts on airs.

061. You are just being polite!

062. Wow! You are really something!

063. That's extremely cool!

064. Cheer up!

065. Go for it!

066. You can make it!

067. I'm behind you.

068. I wouldn't come to you if I hadn't anything to ask of you.

069. No hard feelings, please!

070. No crying, OK?

071. You are kidding!

072. Come on!

073. Come on, let me off this time!

074. Allow me.

075. You two are close. Please say something for me.

076. Don't be obsessed by such small things.

077. Cool it!

078. Don't worry! I'll keep an eye open for you.

079. I aim at small profits and quick returns. I will lose money if I cut the price down.

080. You call the shots!

081. The work is rather tough. You will have to take the trouble of going there to see about it.

082. Can you pull some strings for me?

083. Would you please give me a break?

084. I count on you this time, buddy!

085. Do keep it in your mind, sir!

086. Could you run that by me again?

087. Now's bad time. Can we do it later?

088. None of your business!

089. I'll suffer from excessive internal heat after eating such things.

090. OK, don't choose whatever is to your personal advantage.

091. A straight man does nothing underhand.

092. I can't agree with you there!

093. I have only met him once.

094. Great minds think alike.

095. It's still up in the air.

096. I was not born yesterday.

097. Everyone has his own taste.

098. So what?

099. No way!

100. It is a deal.

101. Who cares?

102. You can say that again!

103. Shut up!

104. You bet!

105. Got out of it!

106. Not really.

107. No wonder!

108. Up to you!

109. But a lot people of the old generation are still particular about that.

110. Don't take what he said seriously. He just likes to tease everyone.

111. I have never gone crawling to anyone.

112. I don't want to hurt your feelings, but on no account will I engage in such an under-the-counter business.

113. I'll fix you up.

114. It sounds great!

115. That's tolerable!

116. I really don't want to make an exhibition of myself.

117. I'm absolutely not cut out for dancing.

118. No problem!

119. You have my word.

120. Count me in.

121. I will explain it and satisfy you all.

122. When I act, you can set your heart at ease.

123. I hope you won't mind our slips!

124. Please don't take offence if you don't get a good treatment here.

125. What in the world are you talking about?

126. It sucks!

127. A man of your eminence often has a short memory.

128. You all belong to the same bunch.

129. Don't give me the runaround. You'd better put your cards on the table.

130. It takes all kinds to make a world.

131. It seems as if I had owed you a lot during my last life.

132. Well, well, well, how dare you set me up!

133. You should have told me earlier!

134. You acted in a fooling way!

135. Isn't it ridiculous?

136. Are you kidding?

137. You may know a person's face but not his heart.

138. What the hell have you done?

139. Stop foaming with rage at me.

140. Your words are somewhat caustic.

141. Don't make such caustic remarks.

142. What you said is a bit too far!

143. Today I'll settle accounts with you.

144. You asked for it!

145. Don't give me that!

146. What a loss of face!

147. How can you always be sore with me?

148. I quit!

149. Watch your mouth. Do you know whom you're talking to?

150. When your father knows that, you'll be in for it.

151. If you don't work hard, I won't go easy on you.

152. Do as you see fit.

153. Just wait and see!

154. You will get more than you bargained for. (You will land yourself in serious trouble.)

155. Try me!

156. Be careful of what you say!

157. Don't you dare!

158. I'll fix you later.

159. I'll sort you out sooner or later.

160. Stop trying my patience.

161. It's just a little expression of gratitude.

162. What a blessing from heaven!

163. One should repay several fold kindness that one received in times of difficulty.

164. Well, allow me to propose a toast to express my gratitude.

165. This one's on me!

166. My treat.

167. Come on, let's go and have a drink!

168. I'll have my wedding ceremony on National Day. Are you free to attend the party and have a drink?

169. Do come to have a drink together as a celebration of the first month of my son's birth nest month.

170. Free for an outing?

171. It is a long story!

172. It is bustling here.

173. I'm full.

174. I'm single.

175. I screw it up.

176. He is weird!

177. I'm in a hurry!

178. I didn't mean it.

179. Never mind.

180. In a minute!

181. Beats me.

182. I am thinking of fixing you up with him.

183. I'm really fed up with her.

184. Lao Li has just returned from abroad. We are giving him a dinner of welcome.

185. It's quite a job for him to fool me.

186. It's a joyous event. You should give her a generous gift on your first meeting.

187. There are many cases like that nowadays.

188. So far, so good.

189. I have no other choice.

190. I am all ears to you!

191. Bingo!

192. What a good deal!

193. No question, no surprise.

194. I will never let you out.


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