



  1. Is something on your mind? / Do you have something on your mind? /What's on your mind? 你擔心什麽呢?

  Be on a person's mind 意思就是“有什麽掛心的事”。Note: This has a milder, easier tone but can still apply to serious problems such as job dissatisfaction or even job loss or marital problems.

  2. Why are you so glum? 你怎麽看起來悶悶不樂的?

  Note: Spoken in a mild tone, it sounds friendly and caring. Often used when someone is feeling blue or mildly depressed.

  3. Why the long face? 你怎麽看起來這麽疲憊?

  Note: Meaning"Why do you seem so unhappy?" The complete sentence would be"Why do you have such a long face?" (But, no one would ever say that.)

  4. You're not yourself today. / You don't seem to be yourself today. 你今天有點心神不甯。

  Note: Mild way of saying"you don't seem to be in such a good mood today" or"you don't seem to be feeling so well today". People also say"Sorry, I'm just not myself today" (對不起,我也不知道今天我是怎麽了), as an excuse after not performing well on the job.

  5. Who are you irritated with? 誰惹你生氣了?

  Be irritated with 的意思是“爲……而急躁,爲……而發怒”。Note: This is used only in a very specific situation where someone is having a problem with another person.





