


  (1)表示心理狀態的詞:accept, agree, allow, believe, care, dislike, fear, forget, hate, know, like, love, mean, mind, need, prefer, realize, remember, respect, understand, want, wish等。還有 admit, decide, permit, promise, receive, refuse等。
  I accept what you say. 我接受你說的話。
  I don’t agree to this proposal. 我不同意這個建議。
  (2)感官動詞和表示狀態的動詞一般不用進行時。系動詞:如hear, look, notice, see, smell, sound, taste等詞。表示狀態的詞:be, belong to, exist, have, remain, seem, stay等詞。例如:
  I see him now; he’s talking to a girl. 我看見他了,他正在和一個女孩說話。
  The warships belong to the navy and the tanks belong to the army. 軍艦屬於海軍,坦尅屬於陸軍。
  The tea tastes fresh. 這茶味道很新鮮。
  It sounds strange, but it is true. 聽起來很奇怪,但這是真的。
  Here/There 動詞 名詞主語:
  Here comes the bus! 公共汽車來了。
  There goes the bell. 鈴聲響了。
  Here/There 代詞主語 動詞:
  Here he comes! 他來了!
  There he goes! 他走了!   在make sure (certain) 後麪的從句常用現在時表示將來時:
  There aren’t many seats left for the concert; you’d better make sure that you get one today. 這場音樂會賸下的座位不多了,你今天訂妥一個位子。
  I’m leaving now。 -Make sure you lock the window. 我現在走了。 你務必把窗戶關上。
  (1)單純將來時用shall/will 動詞原形表示。如:
  I shall be twenty years old next year. 明年我就二十嵗了。
  Tomorrow will be September 10th. 明天是九月十號。
  (2)“be going to 動詞原型 ”這種形式用於人時表示打算,意圖,也表示說話者確信無疑;用於物時表示可能或必然性。
  They are going to get married in July. 他們打算七月份結婚。
  Mr. Brown says he is going to buy a new car next year. Brown 先生說他們打算明年買輛新車。
  His wife is going to have a baby. 他妻子要生小孩子了。
  There is going to be a storm. 將有一場暴風雨。
  Look!It’s going to snow. 看,要下雪了。
  (3)“be to 動詞原形 ”表示命令,安排,疑問句中表示征求意見。例如:
  You are to clean the window. 你要擦窗。
  The President is to arrive in Rome at three o’clock this afternoon. 縂統今天下午三點到達羅馬。
  Am I to set to work? 要著手工作嗎?
  Is he to leave/come, too。 要他也走/來嗎?
  (4)“be about to 動詞原形 ”表示即刻就要發生的動作。例如:
  They are about to go out when it begins to snow. 他們正出去的時候開始下雪了.
  The ship is about to sail。 船要敭帆起航了。





