


Telephone calls
  Useful sentences
  Good morning, this is Sunshine Mutter, may I help you?
  You have reached the office of Perl, electronic technology cooperation.
  Hello, overseas sales department Marry speaking?
  Who would you like to speak with?
  The name of the person you are calling please?
  Extension one two three please.
  Could you put David on?
  I will put her on the phone, just a second.
  Could you hold on a minute, I will get him for you?
  Sorry, the line is busy.   You have just missed him.
  He can not take your call right now, would you like to leave a message?
  He is not available right now, can I take a message?
  We will cut off, could you reconnect me please?
  There is no Ms. Jones here.
  I am sorry, there is nobody here by this name.
  I would like to leave her a message.
  I am calling to check my order status.
  Could you put that in more specific terms?
  I am not sure what you mean?
  Excuse me, but I didn’t hear that, would you mind repeating it please?
  I am sorry, I don’t speak English well, I will have an English speaker call you back later.
  Could you please call back and leave a message on the answering machine?
  I think I must have dialed the wrong number.
  Can you put Dezy back on? I forgot to tell her something.
  Is there anything else I can do for you?
  Then I will make sure he gets your message.
  Thank you for calling.
  Nice talking to you.
  Hi, this is Andy, I can’t come to the phone at this time, please leave a message and I will call you back as soon as possible.
  Hi, this is Katy, sorry I missed you, please leave a message at the tone, I will get back to you when I get in, thanks.
  Situational conversations





