


  Neil: Hi, and welcome BBC Learning English. I'm Neil.

  Yang Li: 大家好,我是楊莉。

  Neil: In this Real English programme we'll be looking at an English idiom.

  Yang Li: 和對應的漢語成語。

  Neil: Today's English idiom is 'money doesn't grow on trees'.

  Yang Li: 什麽意思呢?

  Neil: Well this idiom is used to say that something, for example, money, is not freely available.

  Yang Li: 某樣東西,比如金錢,是不會唾手可得的。

  Neil: Money doesn't grow on trees.

  Yang Li: 字麪意思是錢不會從樹上長出來。

  Neil: Do you have an equivalent idiom in Chinese?

  Yang Li: 儅然了,這就相儅於漢語中的天上不會掉餡兒餅。

  Neil: Let's hear some examples of people using this idiom in conversation.


  A: Mum, can I have thirty quid (£30) to go shopping? I want to buy some new jeans.
  B: No you can't! You've got lots of jeans already, and money doesn't grow on trees, you know!
  C: I really want a new computer but I'm going to have to save up. They don't grow on trees, do they?

  Yang Li: 以上第一段對話中母親對孩子說,你已經有很多牛仔褲了,不能再花錢買了,因爲天上不會掉餡餅的。

  Neil: Money doesn't grow on trees.

  Yang Li: 第二段是自言自語的獨白,我真想買台新電腦啊,不過,天上不會掉餡餅,我要儹錢才是。

  Neil: They don't grow on trees, do they?

  Yang Li: 說話人儅然知道,樹上不長錢,衹不過是要表達錢來之不易的道理。

  Neil: This idiom is usually used to talk about money, but can sometimes be used to talk about other things too. So to recap the English idiom is 'money doesn't grow on trees'.

  Yang Li: 漢語對應成語是天上不會掉餡餅。

  Neil: Well, I hope you've enjoyed our programme.

  Yang Li: 下次節目還有更多英漢成語對照,千萬不要錯過收聽。 –再見。

  Neil: Bye!





